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gravitation is not instantaneous, but happens with the speed of light. One could believe that this is a sufficient reason to reject the hypothesis, as Laplace has shown that this cannot be so. But actually, this propagation effect is mainly compensated by a different cause, so that there is no more contradiction between the proposed law and the astronomical observations.

Is it possible to find a law, which satisfies the condition imposed by Lorentz, and which at the same time is reduced to the law of Newton when the speeds of the stars are rather small, so that one can neglect their squares (as well as the product of acceleration and distance) in respect to the square speed of light?

To this question, as it further will be seen, one must answer in the affirmative.

Is the law thus amended compatible with the astronomical observations?

At first sight it seems that it is the case, but this question can be decided only by a thorough discussion.

But even accepting that the discussion turns to the advantage of a new hypothesis, what should we conclude? If the propagation of attraction happens with the speed of light, it cannot be by a fortuitous coincidence, it must be due to a function of the ether; and then it will be necessary to seek to penetrate the nature of this function, and to relate it to the other functions of the fluid.

We cannot be satisfied with simply juxtaposed formulas which would agree only by a lucky stroke; it is necessary that these formulas are so to speak able to be penetrated mutually. Our mind will not be satisfied before it believes to see the reason of this agreement, at the point where it has the illusion that it could have predicted it.

But the question can still be seen form another point of view, which could be better understood by analogy. Let us suppose an astronomer before Copernicus who reflects on the system of Ptolemy; he will notice that for all planets one of the two circles, epicycle or deferent, is traversed in the same time. This cannot be by chance, there is thus between all planets a mysterious binding.

But Copernicus, by simply changing the axes of coordinates regarded as fixed, destroyed this appearance; each planet does not describe any more than only one circle and the durations of the revolutions become independent (until Kepler restores between them the binding which was believed to be destroyed).

Here it is possible that there is something analogue; if we admit the postulate of relativity, we would find in the law of gravitation and the electromagnetic laws a common number which would be the speed of light; and we would still find it in all the other forces of any origin, which could be explained only in two manners:

Either there would be nothing in the world which is not of electromagnetic origin.

Or this part which would be, so to speak, common to all the physical phenomena, would be only apparent, something which would be due to our methods of