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A Voice from the Nile, and Other Poems/A Proem

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For works with similar titles, see Proem.
557457A Voice from the Nile, and Other Poems — A ProemJames Thomson (B.V.)


"Carouse in the Past."Robert Browning's Saul.


We will drink anew of old pleasures;   In the golden chalice of songWe will pour out the wine-like treasures   Of memories hidden long.
Old memories, hidden but cherished,   In a heart-nook deep and calm;They have not faded and perished   Like the old friends they embalm.
We will call them forth from their darkness   As we call forth a rare old wineWhich the long rich years have mellowed   Till the flavour is divine.
In a glorious intoxication   Will we revel while such drink may last;And dead to the leaden-houred Present,   Live in golden hours of the Past.1854.