The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag/A Tribute
For works with similar titles, see Tribute.
A Tribute
To Jonathan E. Hoag, Esq.
Behold a marvel in these latter days!When callow fledglings strive for fading bays,A patriarch high o'ershadows all the rest,A noble impulse firing still his breast.
Nine are the decades since thy star arose;And still its light with tranquil lustre glows.Now may the tenth reveal its glory still,And find thee fixed on the Parnassian hill!
What memories must wrap thy spirit round!What mystic dreams and ecstasies profound!We can but marvel at a bard whose penFor generations has delighted men.
Dean of the poets! It is thine to wearThe minstrel's wreath—the prophet's mantle share;Towering at ninety o'er the common throng,And wakening wonder with each latter song!
Though we are strangers in the world's crude sense,Yet both are students of experience.Hence to that garland which is thine today,Allow my hand to add this slender spray!
Arthur H. Goodenough.