A Selection of Hymns, Used in the Parish Church, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ulverston/Hymn 1
Again the day returns of sacred rest,Which when He made the world Jehovah blest;When like His own, He bade our labours cease,And all be piety and all be peace.
Let us devote this consecrated day,To learn His will, and all we learn, obey;In pure religion's hallow'd duties share,And join in penitence, and join in pray'r.
So shall the God of mercy pleas'd receive,That only tribute man hath pow'r to give;So shall He hear while fervently we raise,Our choral harmony, in hymns of praise.
Father of Heav'n! in whom our hopes confide,Whose pow'r protects us and whose precepts guide;In life our guardian, and in death our friend,Glory supreme be Thine, till time shall end.