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Q & A Omar Khadr

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Answers to six questions from the CBC
by Omar Khadr

The CBC sent Omar Khadr six questions, and published his reply, June 23, 2008. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/don-t-believe-what-you-ve-heard-omar-khadr-pleads-in-prison-letter-1.710748

211850Answers to six questions from the CBCOmar Khadr

Q & A Omar Khadr

Q: What do you want out of life?

I just want to be as normal as any normal unknown Canadian

Q: When you think of Canada, what comes to your mind?

My most joyful memories of my life were in Canada … like school and going to the zoo and seeing the auto show which, until my last day, I had car posters and magazines

Q: What do you say to Canadians who may have fear of you?

First thing I tell them is not to fear me. I'm a peaceful person and to give me a chance in life and don't believe what you've heard and believe what you see with your eyes.

Q: What are your fondest moments of your life in Canada?

In a normal person there is a connection between him and the place where he was born even if he didn't always live in the country, but he will always want to return to it, and feels his soul connected to it, and that's how I feel.

Q: What are you looking forward to the most?

I always feel I'm in this world to help people and the best way to do that is to be a doctor to help anybody anywhere and anytime, and that's my future dream.

Q: What steps would you take to distance yourself from your past?

First I never had a choice in my past life, but I will build my future with the right bricks, and that Islam is a peaceful, multicultural and anti-racism religion for all.