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The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Joy to the World! the Lord Is Come

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For other versions of this work, see Joy to the World.
The Army and Navy Hymnal (1920)
edited by Henry Augustine Smith
Joy to the World! the Lord Is Come by Isaac Watts
(Antioch by Lowell Mason)

Mason wrote that this tune was based on themes from George Frederick Handel's Messiah.

a performance (help | file info or download)
1737721The Army and Navy Hymnal — Joy to the World! the Lord Is ComeHenry Augustine SmithIsaac Watts
(Antioch by Lowell Mason)
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Joy to the World! the Lord Is Come" "          " "31" } subsubtitle = "(ANTIOCH. C.M.)" composer = \markup { "arranged from Handel's Messiah, 1742" "by Lowell Mason, 1830" } poet = "Isaac Watts, 1719" }
\score { << << \new Staff  \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key d \major \time 2/4 \relative d'' { \autoBeamOff
  <d fis,>4 <cis a>8. <b g>16 |
  <a fis>4. <g e>8 |
  <fis d>4 <e cis> |
  << { d4. a'8 } \\ { d,4. a'8 } >> |
  <b g>4. q8 | <cis e,>4. q8 | <d fis,>4. \bar "||" \break
  q8 | q[ <cis a>] <b g>[ <a fis>] |
  q8.[ <g e>16 <fis d>8] <d' fis,> |
  q[ <cis a>] <b g>[ <a fis>] |
  <a fis>8. [ <g e>16 <fis d>8] \bar "||" \break
  q8 | q q q q16[ <g e>] | 
  <a fis>4. <g e>16[ <fis d>] | 
  <e cis>8 q q q16[ <fis d>] | \break 
  <g e>4. <fis d>16[ <e cis>] | 
  d8( <d' fis,>4 <b g>8 |
  <a fis>8.[ <g e>16 <fis d>8] <g e> |
  <fis d>4 <e cis> | 
  << { d2 } \\ { d } >> \bar "|."
  <d g>2 | <d fis> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff  \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key d \major \relative d { \autoBeamOff
  <d d'>4 q8. q16 | q4. <g, b'>8 |
  << { a'4. g8 } \\ { a,4 a } >> |
  <d fis>4. <fis d'>8 |
  <g d'>4. q8 |
  << { a4. a8 } \\ { a4. a8 } >> | <a d,>4. %end of line 1
  \repeat unfold 2 { q8 | q4 <d d,>4 | q4. } %end of line 2
  r8 | r4 r8 <a d,> | q q q q |
  << { a2 ~ a4. a16[ g] | fis8( a4) } \\
     { a4. a,8 | a a a a | d4. } >> <d d'>8 |
  q4. <g, b'>8 |
  <a a'>4 << { a'8[ g] } \\ { a,4 } >> | <d fis>2 |
  << { b'2 s } \\ { <g g,> <d a'> } >> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } }

  1. Joy to the world! the lord is come;
    Let earth re-ceive her King;
    Let ev-ery heart pre-pare him room,
    And heaven and na-ture sing,
    And heaven and na-ture sing,
    And heaven and na-ture sing.
  2. Joy to the world! the Sav-iour reigns;
    Let men their songs em-ploy
    While fields and floods,
    rocks, hills and plains
    Re-peat the sound-ing joy,
    Re-peat the sound-ing joy,
    Re-peat, re-peat the sound-ing joy.
  3. He rules the world with truth and grace,
    And makes the nations prove
    The glo-ries of his right-eous-ness,
    And won-ders of his love,
    And won-ders of his love
    And won-ders, and won-ders of his love.