The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Joy to the World! the Lord Is Come
For other versions of this work, see Joy to the World.
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Joy to the World! the Lord Is Come" " " "31" } subsubtitle = "(ANTIOCH. C.M.)" composer = \markup { "arranged from Handel's Messiah, 1742" "by Lowell Mason, 1830" } poet = "Isaac Watts, 1719" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key d \major \time 2/4 \relative d'' { \autoBeamOff
<d fis,>4 <cis a>8. <b g>16 |
<a fis>4. <g e>8 |
<fis d>4 <e cis> |
<< { d4. a'8 } \\ { d,4. a'8 } >> |
<b g>4. q8 | <cis e,>4. q8 | <d fis,>4. \bar "||" \break
q8 | q[ <cis a>] <b g>[ <a fis>] |
q8.[ <g e>16 <fis d>8] <d' fis,> |
q[ <cis a>] <b g>[ <a fis>] |
<a fis>8. [ <g e>16 <fis d>8] \bar "||" \break
q8 | q q q q16[ <g e>] |
<a fis>4. <g e>16[ <fis d>] |
<e cis>8 q q q16[ <fis d>] | \break
<g e>4. <fis d>16[ <e cis>] |
d8( <d' fis,>4 <b g>8 |
<a fis>8.[ <g e>16 <fis d>8] <g e> |
<fis d>4 <e cis> |
<< { d2 } \\ { d } >> \bar "|."
<d g>2 | <d fis> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key d \major \relative d { \autoBeamOff
<d d'>4 q8. q16 | q4. <g, b'>8 |
<< { a'4. g8 } \\ { a,4 a } >> |
<d fis>4. <fis d'>8 |
<g d'>4. q8 |
<< { a4. a8 } \\ { a4. a8 } >> | <a d,>4. %end of line 1
\repeat unfold 2 { q8 | q4 <d d,>4 | q4. } %end of line 2
r8 | r4 r8 <a d,> | q q q q |
<< { a2 ~ a4. a16[ g] | fis8( a4) } \\
{ a4. a,8 | a a a a | d4. } >> <d d'>8 |
q4. <g, b'>8 |
<a a'>4 << { a'8[ g] } \\ { a,4 } >> | <d fis>2 |
<< { b'2 s } \\ { <g g,> <d a'> } >> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } }](
- Joy to the world! the lord is come;
Let earth re-ceive her King;
Let ev-ery heart pre-pare him room,
And heaven and na-ture sing,
And heaven and na-ture sing,
And heaven and na-ture sing. - Joy to the world! the Sav-iour reigns;
Let men their songs em-ploy
While fields and floods,
rocks, hills and plains
Re-peat the sound-ing joy,
Re-peat the sound-ing joy,
Re-peat, re-peat the sound-ing joy. - He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glo-ries of his right-eous-ness,
And won-ders of his love,
And won-ders of his love
And won-ders, and won-ders of his love.