Author:Henry Manners Chichester
(Redirected from Author:H. M. Chichester)
[edit]- The Records and Badges of Every Regiment and Corps in the British Army (1900) with George Burges-Short
Contributions to Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900
[edit]- Adye, Stephen Payne
- Agnew, Andrew (1687-1771)
- Alten, Charles von
- Anderson, Joseph
- Baillie, William (d.1782)
- Balfour, William (1785-1838)
- Ballingall, George
- Barker, George Robert
- Barnard, Henry William
- Barrallier, Francis Louis
- Barton, Robert
- Bates, Thomas
- Batman, John
- Beamish, North Ludlow
- Beatson, Alexander
- Beatson, George Steward
- Beeching, James
- Bingham, George Ridout
- Bisset, Charles
- Bisset, John
- Bland, Humphrey
- Bligh, Edward
- Blomefield, Thomas
- Bloomfield, Benjamin
- Bock, Eberhardt Otto George von
- Boden, Joseph
- Bogue, Richard
- Bonnycastle, Richard Henry
- Borland, James
- Bowater, Edward
- Bowles, George
- Bowles, Phineas
- Boyd, Robert (1710-1794)
- Braddock, Edward
- Brady, Thomas
- Bragg, Philip
- Brereton, William (1789-1864)
- Brett, Henry
- Brock, Daniel de Lisle
- Brock, Isaac
- Brooke, Robert
- Broughton, Samuel Daniel
- Brown, Ulysses Maximilian von
- Browne, Lyde (d.1803)
- Bryce, Alexander
- Bunbury, Henry Edward
- Burchell, William John
- Burgoyne, John (1739-1785)
- Burrell, Litellus
- Burt, Edward
- Butler, Richard (d.1791)
- Cadogan, Henry
- Cadogan, William (1601-1661)
- Cadogan, William (1675-1726)
- Call, John
- Calvert, Harry
- Calvert, James Snowden
- Cameron, Charles Duncan
- Cameron, John (1771-1815)
- Campbell, John (1780-1863)
- Campbell, Robert Calder
- Cannon, Richard
- Carey, George Jackson
- Carter, Thomas (d.1867)
- Castine, Thomas
- Chalmers, William
- Chichester, Charles
- Chubb, Charles
- Clark-Kennedy, John
- Clarke, Alured (1745?-1832)
- Clater, Francis
- Clay, John Granby
- Clerke, Thomas Henry Shadwell
- Clinton, Charles (1690-1773)
- Cloëté, Abraham Josias
- Cockburn, James (fl.1783)
- Cockburn, James Pattison
- Coffin, Edward Pine
- Coffin, Isaac Campbell
- Coffin, John Pine
- Colby, Thomas Frederick
- Colley, George Pomeroy
- Conolly, Arthur
- Corcoran, Michael
- Cordiner, James
- Cotton, Stapleton
- Cotton, Sydney John
- Cotton, Willoughby
- Cowper, Charles
- Croghan, George
- Crow, Mitford
- Cumberland, Richard Francis G.
- Cunynghame, Arthur Augustus Thurlow
- Cutts, John
- Dalton, John (1726-1811)
- Dalzell, Robert
- Daniell, Samuel
- D'Arcy, Patrick
- Darling, Charles Henry
- Darling, Ralph
- D'Auvergne, Edward
- Davison, Alexander
- Davy, David Elisha
- Dawson, Robert (1776-1860)
- Dawson, Robert Kearsley
- De Lancey, William Howe
- Denham, Dixon
- Denholm, James
- Dennie, William Henry
- Dickson, Alexander (1777-1840)
- Dobbs, Arthur
- Donaldson, Joseph
- Donkin, Rufane Shaw
- Dormer, James
- Dormer, John (1734?-1796)
- Douglas, Howard
- Draper, Edward Alured
- Draper, William
- Drummond, Alexander
- Dundas, Francis
- Dundas, Thomas
- Dunlop, James (d.1832)
- Elley, John
- Ellis, Henry Walton
- Erle, Thomas
- Erskine, Henry (d.1765)
- Everard, Mathias
- Farrington, Anthony
- Faulkner, Thomas
- Fead, George
- Ferguson, James (d.1705)
- Ferguson, Patrick
- Fitzclarence, George Augustus Frederick
- Fitzgerald, John Forster
- Fitzgerald, William Robert Seymour Vesey
- Fleming, James (1682-1751)
- Forbes, George (1685-1765)
- Forbes, George (1760-1837)
- Fowke, Francis
- Fraser, Archibald Campbell
- Fraser, James Stuart
- Fraser, John (1760-1843)
- Fraser, Simon (d.1777)
- Fraser, Simon (1726-1782)
- Fraser, Simon (1738-1813)
- Frazer, Andrew
- Frederick, Colonel
- Fuller, John (d.1825)
- Fuller, Joseph
- Gage, Joseph
- Gage, Thomas (1721-1787)
- Gardiner, Robert William
- Gardiner, William (1748-1806)
- Gardner, William (1844-1887)
- Gardner, William Linnæus
- Garrett, Robert
- Gascoyne, Isaac
- Gerard, Alexander (1792-1839)
- Gerard, James Gilbert
- Gerard, Patrick
- Germain, George Sackville
- Gibson, Mathew
- Gilbert, Walter Raleigh
- Gillespie, Robert Rollo
- Glas, George
- Glenny, George
- Godwin, Henry Thomas
- Goodman, Stephen Arthur
- Gordon, Adam (1726?-1801)
- Gordon, Alexander (1786-1815)
- Gordon, Alexander (1745?-1827)
- Gordon, Charles (1756-1835)
- Gordon, George (1770-1836)
- Gordon, James Willoughby
- Gordon, Jane
- Gore, Charles Stephen
- Gough, Hugh
- Graham, Fortescue
- Graham, James (1791-1845)
- Graham, Robert (d.1701)
- Graham, Thomas (1748-1843)
- Grant, Alexander (1679-1720)
- Grant, Colquhoun (1780-1829)
- Grant, Colquhoun (1764?-1835)
- Grant, James (1720-1806)
- Grant, James (1738-1811)
- Grant, John (1782-1842)
- Grant, Malcolm
- Grant, William Keir
- Greenwell, Leonard
- Grey, Charles (1729-1807)
- Grey, Charles (1804-1870)
- Grey, John (1780?-1856)
- Grosvenor, Thomas (1764-1851)
- Guest, Joshua
- Guise, John (d.1765)
- Guise, John Wright
- Gurwood, John
- Hadden, James Murray
- Haldimand, Frederick
- Halkett, Colin
- Halkett, Frederick Godar
- Halkett, Hugh
- Hamilton, Hugh (d.1679)
- Hamilton, Hugh (d.1724)
- Hamilton, John (1755-1835)
- Hamilton, Malcolm
- Hamilton, Richard
- Hamilton, Robert North Collie
- Hanbury, James
- Harcourt, William (1743-1830)
- Harding, William
- Hardinge, George Nicholas
- Hardinge, Henry
- Harriott, John
- Harris, George (1746-1829)
- Harris, William Cornwallis
- Harris, William George
- Hart, Henry George
- Haughton, John Colpoys
- Havelock, William
- Haviland, William
- Havilland, Thomas Fiott de
- Hawley, Henry
- Hay, Andrew (1762-1814)
- Hay, John (d.1706)
- Haythorne, Edmund
- Head, Francis Bond
- Heaphy, Charles
- Hearne, Samuel
- Hely-Hutchinson, John (1757-1832)
- Hepburn, Francis (1779-1835)
- Herbert, George Augustus
- Herbert, Henry (1693-1751)
- Herbert, Henry (1734-1794)
- Herbert, Percy Egerton
- Heriot, John
- Hessel, Phœbe
- Hewett, George
- Higson, John
- Hill, Dudley St. Leger
- Hill, John? (d.1697?)
- Hill, John (d.1732?)
- Hill, Rowland (1772-1842)
- Hill, Thomas (1808-1865)
- Hill, Thomas Noel
- Hislop, Thomas
- Hodgson, John (1757-1846)
- Hodgson, Studholme
- Hood, Charles
- Hope, Alexander (1769-1837)
- Hope, James Archibald
- Hope, John (1765-1823)
- Hope, John (1765-1836)
- Horsford, Alfred Hastings
- Horsford, John
- Houghton, Daniel
- Houston, William (1766-1842)
- Howard, Charles (d.1765)
- Howard, George (1720?-1796)
- Howard, Robert (1585-1653)
- Howe, William (1729-1814)
- Howell, John (1774-1830)
- Hulse, Samuel
- Humberston, Francis Mackenzie
- Humberston, Thomas Frederick Mackenzie
- Hunter, George Orby
- Hunter, Martin
- Hunter, Robert (d.1734)
- Huske, John (Includes Huske, Ellis)
- Huthwaite, Edward
- Inglis, John Eardley Wilmot
- Ingoldsby, Richard (d.1712)
- Irvine, William (1741-1804)
- Irving, Paulus Æmilius
- Jack, Alexander
- Jackson, Francis James
- Jackson, George (1785-1861)
- Jackson, John (d.1807)
- Jackson, Julian
- Jacob, George Le Grand
- James, Charles
- Jardine, Alexander
- Jarry, Francis
- Jenison, Francis
- Johnson, Guy
- Johnson, Henry (1748-1835)
- Johnson, William (1715-1774)
- Jones, John (1811-1878)
- Kane, John
- Kane, Richard
- Kater, Henry
- Keane, John
- Keith, Robert Murray
- Kempt, James
- Kennedy, Edmund B.
- Kennedy, James Shaw
- Keppel, Arnold Joost van
- Keppel, George (1724-1772)
- Keppel, George Thomas
- Keppel, William Anne
- Kincaid, John
- Kingsley, William
- Kinneir, John Macdonald
- Kirke, Percy
- Kirkpatrick, William (1754-1812)
- Knox, Thomas George
- Kœhler, George Frederic
- Kyd, Robert
- Lacy, Francis Antony
- Lacy, Maurice
- Lacy, Peter
- Laing, Alexander Gordon
- Laird, Macgregor
- Lake, Gerard
- Lambart, Richard Ford William
- Lambton, John
- Lambton, William
- Lander, John
- Lander, Richard Lemon
- Lane, Charles Edward William
- Lanyon, William Owen
- Lawrence, Charles (d.1760)
- Lawrence, Stringer
- Lawson, Robert
- Le Couteur, John
- Lee, Charles
- Lees, William Nassau
- Leith, James
- Le Marchant, John Gaspard (1766-1812)
- Le Marchant, John Gaspard (1803-1874)
- Le Mesurier, Havilland (1758-1806)
- Le Mesurier, Havilland (1783-1813)
- Le Mesurier, John
- Lendy, Auguste Frederick
- Lennon, John
- Lester, Frederick Parkinson
- Light, William
- Ligonier, John
- Lillingston, Luke
- Lindsay, Alexander (1785-1872)
- Liston, Robert (1742-1836)
- Littler, John Hunter
- Livingstone, Thomas
- Lloyd, Edward (fl.1688-1726)
- Lloyd, Edward (d.1847)
- Lloyd, Godfrey
- Lloyd, Henry
- Lloyd, John Augustus
- Lloyd, Thomas
- Long, Robert Ballard
- Longden, Henry Errington
- Longden, James Robert
- Lord, William Keast
- Love, James Frederick
- Lovell, Lovell Benjamin Badcock
- Low, James
- Low, John
- Lowe, Edward William Howe de Lancy
- Lowe, Hudson
- Luard, John
- Lucas, William?
- Ludlow, George James
- Lukin, Lionel
- Lumley, William
- Lushington, Stephen Rumbold
- Luttrell, Henry (1655?-1717)
- Lyall, Alfred
- Lynch, Henry Blosse
- Lynch, Patrick Edward
- Lynch, Thomas Kerr
- Lyon, James Frederick
- Lyttelton, Charles (1629-1716)
- Macarthur, Edward
- Maccartney, George
- Macbean, Forbes
- M'Carthy, Charles
- Macartney, George
- Maccartney, George
- Macdonald, John (1759-1831)
- Macdonald, John (d.1850)
- Macdonell, Alexander Ranaldson
- Macdonell, James (d.1857)
- Maceroni, Francis
- MacGregor, Gregor
- McGrigor, James (1771-1858)
- McGrigor, James (1819-1863)
- Mackenzie, Alexander (1755?-1820)
- Mackenzie, Colin
- Mackenzie, John (1727-1789)
- Mackenzie, Kenneth Douglas
- Mackeson, Frederick
- Mackinnon, Daniel (1791-1836)
- Mackinnon, Daniel Henry
- Mackintosh, William
- Maclean, Allan
- MacMahon, Thomas Westropp
- MacNab, Allan Napier
- McNeill, John (1795-1883)
- MacNeill, John Benjamin
- Macpherson, Herbert Taylor
- Madden, George Allan
- Maitland, Frederick (1763-1848)
- Maitland, Peregrine
- Maitland, Thomas (1759?-1824)
- Manners, John (1721-1770)
- Mansfield, William Rose
- Mante, Thomas
- Markham, Frederick
- Martindell, Gabriel
- Mascarene, Paul
- Massey, Eyre
- Mayne, William
- Melville, Robert (1723-1809)
- Mercer, Hugh
- Metcalfe, James
- Metcalfe, Theophilus John
- Michel, John
- Michell, Edward Thomas
- Middlemore, George
- Miles, William (d.1860)
- Mill, James (fl.1744)
- Millar, William
- Miller, William (1795-1861)
- Millner, John
- Molesworth, Richard
- Montagu, George Brudenell
- Montagu, John (1688?-1749)
- Monteith, William
- Montgomerie, Archibald (1726-1796)
- Montgomery, Richard
- Moodie, Donald
- Moorcroft, William
- Moore, John (1761-1809)
- Moorsom, William Scarth
- Mordaunt, John (1697-1780)
- Morris, Roger
- Muller, John
- Müller, William (d.1846)
- Munro, Hector
- Munro, Innes
- Munro, William
- Murray, James (1725-1794)
- Murray, James (1751-1811)
- Murray, John (1711-1787)
- Murray, John (1768-1827)
- Musgrave, Anthony
- Musgrave, Thomas (1737-1812)
- Musters, George Chaworth
- Napier, Edward Delaval Hungerford Elers
- Napier, George (1751-1804)
- Napier, George Thomas
- Napier, Thomas Erskine
- Nasmyth, Charles
- Nelson, Alexander Abercromby
- Nicolay, William
- Nightingall, Miles
- Noble, William Henry
- Nolan, Lewis Edward
- Norris, Robert
- North, Charles Napier
- Norton, Chapple
- Nugent, George
- Nugent, Lavall
- Nuttall, Thomas (1828-1890)
- Oakes, Hildebrand
- O'Connell, Daniel (1745?-1833)
- O'Connell, Maurice Charles Philip
- O'Connell, Moritz
- O'Connor, Luke Smythe
- O'Donnell, Daniel
- Oglethorpe, Theophilus
- O'Halloran, Joseph
- O'Hara, Charles (1740?-1802)
- O'Higgins, Ambrosio
- O'Malley, George
- O'Moran, James
- O'Reilly, Alexander
- O'Reilly, Andrew
- O'Shaughnessy, William (1674-1744)
- Oswald, John (1771-1840)
- O'Toole, Bryan
- Oudney, Walter
- Oughton, James Adolphus Dickenson
- Ouseley, Ralph
- Owen, Hugh (1784-1861)
- Oxley, John
- Pack, Denis
- Paget, George Augustus Frederick
- Pakenham, Edward Michael
- Pakenham, Hercules Robert
- Parker, George (d.1857)
- Parry, Love Parry Jones
- Parsons, Abraham
- Paton, John Stafford
- Paulet, William (1804-1893)
- Percy, Henry (1785-1825)
- Prideaux, John (1718-1759)
Edited works
[edit]- Memoirs of the extraordinary military career of John Shipp, late a lieut. in His Majesty's 87th regiment (1890) [1]
Works about Chichester
[edit]- "Chichester, Henry Manners," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 supplement, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1901) in 3 vols.
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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