Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Baskerville, Thomas (d.1597)

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1904 Errata appended.

1126047Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 03 — Baskerville, Thomas (d.1597)1885Thompson Cooper

BASKERVILLE, Sir THOMAS (d. 1597), general, was the son of Henry Baskerville, Esq., of the city of Hereford, and is described as of Good Rest, Warwickshire. He obtained a high reputation as a military commander. In the Harleian MSS. there is an account of his voyage after the great treasure at Porto Rico, when he was general of Queen Elizabeth's Indian armada. He was sent with Lord Willoughby to France to assist Henry IV in 1589. He was M.P. for Carmarthen borough in 1592. Subsequently he commanded the troops despatched to Brittany (1594) and Picardy (1596). He died of a fever at Picqueny, in Picardy, on 4 June 1597, and was buried in the new choir of St. Paul's, beneath a monument, consumed in the fire of London in 1666. He married Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Throgmorton. He left a son, Hannibal [q. v.]

[Dugdale's Hist. of St. Paul's (ed. Ellis), 72; Life of Anthony à Wood (ed. Bliss), xxxiii, xxxiv; Harl. MS. 4762; Addit. MS. 14284, p. 66; Thomas's Hist. Notes, i. 393; Gent. Mag. xcv. (ii.) 315.]

T. C.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.17
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
369 i 10 f.e. Baskerville, Sir Thomas: after 1589 insert He was M.P. for Carmarthen borough in the parliament of 1592