Poems (Stephens)/Beauty
The spirit of Beauty has many a dwelling, Delightfully varied in form and in place; It maketh its home on tho earth and the water, And surely it filleth the heavenly space.
It glows when the earliest flash of a sunbeam Is gilding the opening gates of tho day, And ever its presence is round and above us, When softly the daylight is fading away.
And night, the deep night, his a glory that's matchly, That beam.s in the light of each wonderful star, We look from the earth when 'tis shrouded in darkness To beauty and majesty mingled afar.
And ocean forever the story is telling, Of waves that are tossing in grandeur and might, We listen with awe to the sound of the waters, Rejoicing and trembling too at the sight.
And see on the mountains the bright buds of springtime Are clothing the trees that through winter were bare,How gently the breezes are swaying the branches, And glad we behold them for beauty is there.
The rocks that were towering boldly and grandly, Are fringed with mosses of every hue,And down where the brooklet softest is flowing Are violets blooming of loveliest blue.
The swallows are flying about the old ruin, A robin and wren the decayed tree have found,And sparrows, the sweetest of songsters, are singing, And building their nests in dry grass on the ground.
And rosiest children are watching and waiting, Expectantly too for a sight in the nest,Thus early admiring the bright gifts of Nature, Themselves of her beauties the sweetest and best.