Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Bland, Miles

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Date of death 1867 in the ODNB.
1904 Errata appended.

1311925Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 05 — Bland, Miles1886no contributor recorded

BLAND, MILES (1786–1868), mathematician, born in 1786, was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1808, as second wrangler and Smith's prizeman. He was afterwards elected fellow (5 April 1808) and tutor of his college, and acted as moderator (1814, 1815, 1816) and public examiner (1817–1818) in mathematics. He became rector of Lilley, Hertfordshire, in 1823, and a prebendary of Wells Cathedral in 1826, when he proceeded D.D. Bland was a fellow of the Royal Society, of the Society of Antiquaries, and of the Astronomical Society. He died in 1868. His chief works are: 1. 'Geometrical Problems . . . from the first six books of Euclid . . . with the elements of Plane Trigonometry,' Cambridge, 1819, 2nd edit. 1821, 3rd edit. 1827. 2. 'Algebraical Problems,' a very popular schoolbook, first published in 1812, 9th edit. 1849. 3. 'The Elements of Hydrostatics,' 1824, 1827. 4. 'Annotations on the Historical Books of the New Testament;' vol. i. St. Matthew's Gospel (1828), vol. ii. St. Mark's Gospel (1828), Mechanical and Philosophical Problems,' 1830.

Men of the Time, 7th edit.; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Bauer's Register of St. John's College, ed. Mayor, i. 312, 314; Notes and Queries, 6th ser. ix, 218.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.29
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
199 i 3 f.e. Bland, Miles: for 1868 read 1867
ii 11-12 for in 1868 read 27 Dec. 1867