Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Anoukis
ANOUKIS, or Anaka, the name of an Egyptian goddess, one of the contemplar or companion goddesses of Khnum or Chnoumis. Her name meant “the Clasper” or “Embracer.” She belonged to the “triad of Elephantine,” formed of Khnum or Chnoumis, Sati or Satis—the Egyptian Hera or Juno, “the sunbeam”—and herself. As Sati personified the upper world or hemisphere, and wore the white crown upon her head, so Anoukis wore the red crown, emblem of the lower world or hemisphere. She personified Hestia or Vesta, and had the crown surmounted by a tiara of feathers, similar to those of the Pulusata, or supposed Pelasgi, and Tsakkaru, or Teucri, as if she had been a goddess of these nations. Some have compared her name to that of the Phœnician goddess Onga. It rarely appears in the texts and monuments, although it is occasionally seen. Statuettes of Anoukis are of the greatest rarity, if, indeed, they occur.—Champollion, Panth. Egypt; Wilkinson, Mann. and Cust., v. p. 26; Rosellini, Mon. d. Cult., ii.; Letronne, Recherches, pp. 345-6.