Ūtfæreldes Lēoþ
(Redirected from Exodus (Junius manuscript))
For other English-language translations of this work, see Exodus (Bible).
Hwæt! We feor and neahgefrigen habaðofer middangeardMoyses domas,wræclico wordriht,wera cneorissum,—in uprodoreadigra gehwam5 æfter bealusiðebote lifes,lifigendra gehwamlangsumne ræd,—hæleðum secgan.Gehyre se ðe wille!þone on westenneweroda drihten,soðfæst cyning,mid his sylfes miht10 gewyrðode,and him wundra fela,ece alwalda,in æht forgeaf.He wæs leof gode,leoda aldor,horsc and hreðergleaw,herges wisa,freom folctoga.Faraones cyn,15 godes andsacan,gyrdwite band,þær him gesealdesigora waldend,modgum magoræswan,his maga feorh,onwist eðles,Abrahames sunum.Heah wæs þæt handleanand him hold frea,20 gesealde wæpna gewealdwið wraðra gryre,ofercom mid þy campecneomaga fela,feonda folcriht.ða wæs forma siðþæt hine weroda godwordum nægde,þær he him gesægdesoðwundra fela,25 hu þas woruld worhtewitig drihten,eorðan ymbhwyrftand uprodor,gesette sigerice,and his sylfes naman,ðone yldo bearnær ne cuðon,frod fædera cyn,þeah hie fela wiston.30 Hæfde he þa geswiðedsoðum cræftumand gewurðodnewerodes aldor,Faraones feond,on forðwegas.þa wæs ingereealdum witumdeaðe gedrenceddrihtfolca mæst;35 hordwearda hryreheaf wæs geniwad,swæfon seledreamas,since berofene.Hæfde mansceaðanæt middere nihtfrecne gefylled,frumbearna fela,abrocene burhweardas.Bana wide scrað,40 lað leodhata,land drysmydedeadra hræwum,dugoð forð gewat,wop wæs wide,worulddreama lyt.Wæron hleahtorsmiðumhanda belocene,alyfed laðsiðleode gretan;45 folc ferende,feond wæs bereafod,hergas on helle.Heofung þider becom,druron deofolgyld.Dæg wæs mæreofer middangeardþa seo mengeo for.Swa þæs fæsten dreahfela missera,50 ealdwerige,Egypta folc,þæs þe hie wideferðwyrnan þohtonMoyses magum,gif hie metod lete,on langne lustleofes siðes.Fyrd wæs gefysed,from se ðe lædde,55 modig magoræswa,mægburh heora.Oferfor he mid þy folcefæstena worn,land and leodweardlaðra manna,enge anpaðas,uncuð gelad,oðþæt hie on Guðmyrcegearwe bæron,60 (wæron land heoralyfthelme beþeaht),mearchofu morheald.Moyses ofer þa,fela meoringa,fyrde gelædde.Heht þa ymb twa nihttirfæste hæleð,siððan hie feondumoðfaren hæfdon,65 ymbwicigeanwerodes bearhtmemid ælfereæthanes byrig,mægnes mæstemearclandum on.Nearwe genyddonon norðwegas,wiston him be suðanSigelwara land,70 forbærned burhhleoðu,brune leode,hatum heofoncolum.þær halig godwið færbrynefolc gescylde,bælce oferbræddebyrnendne heofon,halgan nettehatwendne lyft.75 Hæfde wederwolcenwidum fæðmumeorðan and uprodorefne gedæled,lædde leodwerod,ligfyr adranc,hate heofontorht.Hæleð wafedon,drihta gedrymost.Dægsceades hleo80 wand ofer wolcnum;hæfde witig godsunnan siðfætsegle ofertolden,swa þa mæstrapasmen ne cuðon,ne ða seglrodegeseon meahton,eorðbuendeealle cræfte,85 hu afæstnod wæsfeldhusa mæst,siððan he mid wuldregeweorðodeþeodenholde.þa wæs þridda wicfolce to frofre.Fyrd eall geseahhu þær hlifedonhalige seglas,90 lyftwundor leoht;leode ongeton,dugoð Israhela,þæt þær drihten cwomweroda drihten,wicsteal metan.Him beforan foranfyr and wolcenin beorhtrodor,beamas twegen,95 þara æghwæðerefngedældeheahþegnungahaliges gastes,deormodra siðdagum and nihtum.þa ic on morgen gefrægnmodes rofanhebban herebymanhludan stefnum,100 wuldres woman.Werod eall aras,modigra mægen,swa him Moyses bebead,mære magoræswa,metodes folce,fus fyrdgetrum.Forð gesawonlifes latþeowlifweg metan;105 swegl siðe weold,sæmen æfterforon flodwege.Folc wæs on salum,hlud herges cyrm.Heofonbeacen astahæfena gehwam,oðer wundor,syllic æfter sunnansetlrade beheold,110 ofer leodwerumlige scinan,byrnende beam.Blace stodonofer sceotendumscire leoman;scinon scyldhreoðan,sceado swiðredon,neowle nihtscuwanneah ne mihton115 heolstor ahydan;heofoncandel barn.Niwe nihtweardnyde sceoldewician ofer weredum,þy læs him westengryre,har hæðbroga,holmegum wederumon ferclammeferhð getwæfde.120 Hæfde foregengafyrene loccas,blace beamas;bellegsan hweopin þam hereþreate,hatan lige,þæt he on westennewerod forbærnde,nymðe hie modhwateMoyses hyrde.125 Scean scir werod,scyldas lixton,gesawon randwiganrihte stræte,segn ofer sweoton,oðþæt sæfæstenlandes æt endeleodmægne forstod,fus on forðweg.Fyrdwic aras;130 wyrpton hie werige,wiste genægdonmodige meteþegnas,hyra mægen beton.Bræddon æfter beorgum,siððan byme sang,flotan feldhusum.þa wæs feorðe wic,randwigena ræst,be þan readan sæ.135 ðær on fyrd hyrafærspell becwom,oht inlende.Egsan stodan,wælgryre weroda;wræcmon gebadlaðne lastweard,se ðe him lange æreðelleasumonnied gescraf,140 wean witum fæst.Wære ne gymdon,ðeah þe se yldra cyningær ge...þa wearð yrfeweardingefolca,manna æfter maðmum,þæt he swa miceles geðah.Ealles þæs forgetonsiððan grame wurdon145 Egypta cynymbe antwig;ða heo his mægwinummorðor fremedon,wroht berenedon,wære fræton.Wæron heaðowylmasheortan getenge,mihtmod wera;manum treowum150 woldon hie þæt feorhleanfacne gyldan,þætte hie þæt dægweorcdreore gebohte,Moyses leode,þær him mihtig godon ðam spildsiðespede forgefe.þa him eorla modortrywe wearð155 siððan hie gesawonof suðwegumfyrd Faraonisforð ongangan,oferholt wegan,eored lixan,(garas trymedon,guð hwearfode,blicon bordhreoðan,byman sungon),160 þufas þunian,þeod mearc tredan,on hwælHreopon herefugolas,hilde grædige,deawigfeðereofer drihtneum,wonn wælceasega.Wulfas sungon165 atol æfenleoðætes on wenan,carleasan deor,cwyldrof beodanon laðra lastleodmægnes fyl.Hreopon mearcweardasmiddum nihtum,fleah fæge gast,folc wæs gehæged.170 Hwilum of þam werodewlance þegnasmæton milpaðasmeara bogum.Him þær segncyningwið þone segn foran,manna þengel,mearcþreate rad;guðweard gumenagrimhelm gespeon,175 cyning cinberge,(cumbol lixton),wiges on wenum,wælhlencan sceoc,het his herecistehealdan geornefæst fyrdgetrum.Freond onsegonlaðum eaganlandmanna cyme.180 Ymb hine wægonwigend unforhte,hare heorowulfashilde gretton,þurstige þræcwiges,þeodenholde.Hæfde him alesenleoda dugeðetireadigratwa þusendo,185 þæt wæron cyningasand cneowmagas,on þæt eade riht,æðelum deore.Forðon anra gehwilcut alæddewæpnedcynnes,wigan æghwilcneþara þe he on ðam fyrstefindan mihte.190 Wæron ingemenealle ætgædere,cyningas on corðre.Cuð oft gebadhorn on heapeto hwæs hægstealdmen,guðþreat gumena,gearwe bæron.Swa þær eorp werod,ecan læddon,195 lað æfter laðum,leodmægnes worn,þusendmælum;þider wæron fuse.Hæfdon hie gemyntedto þam mægenheapumto þam ærdægeIsrahela cynnbillum abreotanon hyra broðorgyld.200 Forþon wæs in wicumwop up ahafen,atol æfenleoð,egesan stodon,weredon wælnet,þa se woma cwom.Flugon frecne spel,feond wæs anmod,werud wæs wigblac,oðþæt wlance forsceaf205 mihtig engel,se ða menigeo beheold,þæt þær gelaðe mid himleng ne mihtongeseon tosomne;sið wæs gedæled.Hæfde nydfaranihtlangne fyrst,þeah ðe him on healfa gehwamhettend seomedon,210 mægen oððe merestream;nahton maran hwyrft.Wæron orwenaneðelrihtes,sæton æfter beorgumin blacum reafum,wean on wenum;wæccende badeall seo sibgedrihtsomod ætgædere215 maran mægenes,oð Moyses bebeadeorlas on uhttidærnum bemumfolc somnigean,frecan arisan,habban heora hlencan,hycgan on ellen,beran beorht searo,beacnum cigean220 sweot sande near.Snelle gemundonweardas wigleoð,werod wæs gefysed,brudon ofer burgum,(byman gehyrdon),flotan feldhusum,fyrd wæs on ofste.Siððan hie getealdonwið þam teonhete225 on þam forðhergefeðan twelfemoderofra;mægen wæs onhrered.Wæs on anra gehwamæðelan cynnesalesen under lindumleoda duguðeon folcgetælfiftig cista;230 hæfde cista gehwilccuðes werodesgarberendra,guðfremmendra,X hund geteled,tireadigra.þæt wæs wiglic werod;wace ne grettonin þæt rincgetælræswan herges,235 þa þe for geoguðegyt ne mihtonunder bordhreoðanbreostnet werawið flane feondfolmum werigean,ne him bealubennegebiden hæfdonofer linde lærig,licwunde swor,240 gylpplegan gares.Gamele ne moston,hare heaðorincas,hilde onþeon,gif him modheapummægen swiðrade,ac hie be wæstmumon wig curon,hu in leodscipelæstan wolde245 mod mid aran,eac þan mægnes cræft,garbeames feng.þa wæs handrofrahere ætgædere,fus forðwegas.Fana up gerad,beama beorhtost;bidon ealle þa gen250 hwonne siðbodasæstreamum neahleoht ofer lindumlyftedoras bræc.Ahleop þa for hæleðumhildecalla,bald beohata,bord up ahof,heht þa folctoganfyrde gestillan,255 þenden modiges meðelmonige gehyrdon.Wolde reordigeanrices hyrdeofer herecistehalgan stefne,werodes wisawurðmyndum spræc:"Ne beoð ge þy forhtran,þeah þe Faraon brohte260 sweordwigendraside hergas,eorla unrim!Him eallum wilemihtig drihtenþurh mine handto dæge þissumdædlean gyfan,þæt hie lifigendeleng ne moton265 ægnian mid yrmðumIsrahela cyn.Ne willað eow andrædandeade feðan,fæge ferhðlocan,fyrst is æt endelænes lifes.Eow is lar godesabroden of breostum.Ic on beteran ræd,270 þæt ge gewurðienwuldres aldor,and eow liffreanlissa bidde,sigora gesynto,þær ge siðien.þis is se eceaAbrahames god,frumsceafta frea,se ðas fyrd wereð,275 modig and mægenrof,mid þære miclan hand."Hof ða for hergumhlude stefnelifigendra leod,þa he to leodum spræc:"Hwæt, ge nu eagum toon lociað,folca leofost,færwundra sum,280 hu ic sylfa slohand þeos swiðre handgrene tacnegarsecges deop.Yð up færeð,ofstum wyrceðwæter wealfæsten.Wegas syndon dryge,haswe herestræta,holm gerymed,285 ealde staðolas,þa ic ær ne gefrægnofer middangeardmen geferan,fage feldas,þa forð heononin ece tidyðe þeahton,sælde sægrundas.Suðwind fornam290 bæðweges blæst,brim is areafod,sand sæcir spaw.Ic wat soð gereþæt eow mihtig godmiltse gecyðde,eorlas ærglade.Ofest is selostþæt ge of feondafæðme weorðen,295 nu se agendup arærdereade streamasin randgebeorh.Syndon þa foreweallasfægre gestepte,wrætlicu wægfaru,oð wolcna hrof."æfter þam wordumwerod eall aras,300 modigra mægen.Mere stille bad.Hofon herecystehwite linde,segnas on sande.Sæweall astah,uplang gestodwið Israhelumandægne fyrst.Wæs seo eorla gedriht305 anes modes,fæstum fæðmumfreoðowære heold.Nalles hige gehyrdonhaliges lare,siððan leofes leoþlæste nearsweg swiðrodeand sances bland.310 þa þæt feorðe cynfyrmest eode,wod on wægstream,wigan on heape,ofer grenne grund,Iudisc feðaon oretteon uncuð geladfor his mægwinum.Swa him mihtig god315 þæs dægweorcesdeop lean forgeald,siððan him gesældesigorworca hreð,þæt he ealdordomagan sceoldeofer cynericu,cneowmaga blæd.Hæfdon him to segne,þa hie on sund stigon,320 ofer bordhreoðanbeacen aræredin þam garheape,gyldenne leon,drihtfolca mæst,deora cenost.Be þam herewisanhynðo ne woldonbe him lifigendumlange þolian,325 þonne hie to guðegarwudu rærdonðeoda ænigre.þracu wæs on ore,heard handplega,hægsteald modigewæpna wælslihtes,wigend unforhte,bilswaðu blodige,beadumægnes ræs,330 grimhelma gegrind,þær Iudas for.æfter þære fyrdeflota modgade,Rubenes sunu.Randas bæronsæwicingasofer sealtne mersc,manna menio;micel angetrum335 eode unforht.He his ealdordomsynnum aswefede,þæt he siðor foron leofes last.Him on leodscearefrumbearnes rihtfreobroðor oðþah,ead and æðelo;he wæs gearu swa þeah.340 þær forð æfter himfolca þryðumsunu Simeonessweotum comon;þridde þeodmægen(þufas wundonofer garfare)guðcyste onþrangdeawig sceaftum.Dægwoma becwom345 ofer garsecge,godes beacna sum,morgen mæretorht;mægen forð gewat.þa þær folcmægenfor æfter oðrum,isernhergum.An wisodemægenþrymmum mæst,þy he mære wearð,350 on forðwegasfolc æfter wolcnum,cynn æfter cynne.Cuðe æghwilcmægburga riht,swa him Moises bead,eorla æðelo.Him wæs an fæder,leof leodfruma,landriht geþah,355 frod on ferhðe,freomagum leof.Cende cneowsibbecenra mannaheahfædera sum,halige þeode,Israela cyn,onriht godes,swa þæt orþancumealde reccað360 þa þe mægburgemæst gefrunon,frumcyn feora,fæderæðelo gehwæs.Niwe flodasNoe oferlað,þrymfæst þeoden,mid his þrim sunum,þone deopestandrencefloda365 þara ðe gewurdeon woruldrice.Hæfde him on hreðrehalige treowa;forþon he gelæddeofer lagustreamasmaðmhorda mæst,mine gefræge.On feorhgebeorhfoldan hæfde370 eallum eorðcynneece lafe,frumcneow gehwæs,fæder and modertuddorteondra,geteled rimemismicelraþonne men cunnon,snottor sæleoda.Eac þon sæda gehwilc375 on bearm scipesbeornas feredon,þara þe underheofonum hæleð bryttigað.Swa þæt wise menwordum secgaðþæt from Noenigoða wærefæder Abrahameson folctale.380 þæt is se Abrahamse him engla godnaman niwan asceop;eac þon neah and feorhalige heapasin gehyld bebead,werþeoda geweald;he on wræce lifde.Siððan he gelæddeleofost feora385 haliges hæsum;heahlond stigonsibgemagas,on Seone beorh.Wære hie þær fundon,wuldor gesawon,halige heahtreowe,swa hæleð gefrunon.þær eft se snottrasunu Dauides,390 wuldorfæst cyning,witgan larumgetimbredetempel gode,alh haligne,eorðcyningase wisestaon woruldrice,heahst and haligost,hæleðum gefrægost,395 mæst and mærost,þara þe manna bearn,fira æfter foldan,folmum geworhte.To þam meðelstedemagan gelæddeAbraham Isaac.Adfyr onbran;fyrst ferhðbanano þy fægenra wæs.400 Wolde þone lastweardlige gesyllan,in bælblysebeorna selost,his swæsne sunuto sigetibre,angan ofer eorðanyrfelafe,feores frofre,ða he swa forð gebad,405 leodum to lafe,langsumne hiht.He þæt gecyðde,þa he þone cniht genamfæste mid folmum,folccuð geteagealde lafe,(ecg grymetode),þæt he him lifdagasleofran ne wisse410 þonne he hyrdeheofoncyninge.Up aræmdeAbraham þa;se eorl wolde sleaneaferan sinneunweaxenne,ecgum reodanmagan mid mece,gif hine metod lete.415 Ne wolde him beorht fæderbearn ætniman,halig tiber,ac mid handa befeng.þa him styran cwomstefn of heofonum,wuldres hleoðor,word æfter spræc:"Ne sleh þu, Abraham,þin agen bearn,420 sunu mid sweorde!Soð is gecyðed,nu þin cunnodecyning alwihta,þæt þu wið waldendwære heolde,fæste treowe,seo þe freoðo scealin lifdagumlengest weorðan,425 awa to aldreunswiciendo.Hu þearf mannes sunumaran treowe?Ne behwylfan mægheofon and eorðehis wuldres word,widdra and siddraþonne befæðman mægefoldan sceattas,430 eorðan ymbhwyrftand uprodor,garsecges ginand þeos geomre lyft.He að swereð,engla þeoden,wyrda waldendand wereda god,soðfæst sigora,þurh his sylfes lif,435 þæt þines cynnesand cneowmaga,randwiggendra,rim ne cunnon,yldo ofer eorðan,ealle cræfteto gesecgennesoðum wordum,nymðe hwylc þæs snottorin sefan weorðe440 þæt he ana mægeealle gerimanstanas on eorðan,steorran on heofonum,sæbeorga sand,sealte yða;ac hie gesittaðbe sæm tweonumoð Egipteincaðeode445 land Cananea,leode þine,freobearn fæder,folca selost."Folc wæs afæred,flodegsa becwomgastas geomre,geofon deaðe hweop.Wæron beorhhliðublode bestemed,450 holm heolfre spaw,hream wæs on yðum,wæter wæpna ful,wælmist astah.Wæron Egypteeft oncyrde,flugon forhtigende,fær ongeton,woldon herebleaðehamas findan,455 gylp wearð gnornra.Him ongen genapatol yða gewealc,ne ðær ænig becwomherges to hame,ac behindan beleacwyrd mid wæge.þær ær wegas lagon,mere modgode,mægen wæs adrenced.460 Streamas stodon,storm up gewatheah to heofonum,herewopa mæst.Laðe cyrmdon,(lyft up geswearc),fægum stæfnum,flod blod gewod.Randbyrig wæron rofene,rodor swipode465 meredeaða mæst,modige swulton,cyningas on corðre,cyre swiðrodesæs æt ende.Wigbord scinonheah ofer hæleðum,holmweall astah,merestream modig.Mægen wæs on cwealme470 fæste gefeterod,forðganges wegsearwum æsæled,sand basnodon,witodre fyrde,hwonne waðema stream,sincalda sæ,sealtum yðumæflastum gewunaece staðulas,475 nacud nydboda,neosan come,fah feðegast,se ðe feondum geneop.Wæs seo hæwene lyftheolfre geblanden,brim berstendeblodegesan hweop,sæmanna sið,oðþæt soð metod480 þurh Moyses handmodge rymde,wide wæðde,wælfæðmum sweop.Flod famgode,fæge crungon,lagu land gefeol,lyft wæs onhrered,wicon weallfæsten,wægas burston,485 multon meretorras,þa se mihtiga slohmid halige hand,heofonrices weard,on werbeamas.Wlance ðeodene mihton forhabbanhelpendra pað,merestreames mod,ac he manegum gesceod490 gyllende gryre.Garsecg wedde,up ateah, on sleap.Egesan stodon,weollon wælbenna.Witrod gefeolheah of heofonumhandweorc godes,famigbosmaflodwearde sloh,495 unhleowan wæg,alde mece,þæt ðy deaðdrepedrihte swæfon,synfullra sweot.Sawlum lunnonfæste befarene,flodblac here,siððan hie on bugonbrun yppinge,500 modewæga mæst.Mægen eall gedreasða gedrencte wærondugoð Egypta,Faraon mid his folcum.He onfond hraðe,siððan grund gestahgodes andsaca,þæt wæs mihtigramereflodes weard;505 wolde heorufæðmumhilde gesceadan,yrre and egesfull.Egyptum wearðþæs dægweorcesdeop lean gesceod,forðam þæs herigesham eft ne comealles ungrundesænig to lafe,510 þætte sið heorasecgan moste,bodigean æfter burgumbealospella mæst,hordwearda hryre,hæleða cwenum,ac þa mægenþreatasmeredeað geswealh,spelbodan eac.Se ðe sped ahte,515 ageat gylp wera.Hie wið god wunnon!þanon Israhelumece rædason merehwearfeMoyses sægde,heahþungen wer,halige spræce,deop ærende.Dægword nemnað520 swa gyt werðeode,on gewritum findaðdoma gehwilcne,þara ðe him drihten bebeadon þam siðfatesoðum wordum,gif onlucan wilelifes wealhstod,beorht in breostum,banhuses weard,525 ginfæsten godgastes cægon.Run bið gerecenod,ræd forð gæð,hafað wislicuword on fæðme,wile meagollicemodum tæcanþæt we gesne ne syngodes þeodscipes,530 metodes miltsa.He us ma onlyhð,nu us bocerasbeteran secgaðlengran lifwynna.þis is læne dream,wommum awyrged,wreccum alyfed,earmra anbid.Eðellease535 þysne gystselegihðum healdað,murnað on mode,manhus witonfæst under foldan,þær bið fyr and wyrm,open ece scræf.Yfela gehwylcesswa nu regnþeofasrice dælað,540 yldo oððe ærdeað.Eftwyrd cymð,mægenþrymma mæstofer middangeard,dæg dædum fah.Drihten sylfaon þam meðelstedemanegum demeð,þonne he soðfæstrasawla lædeð,545 eadige gastas,on uprodor,þær is leoht and lif,eac þon lissa blæd;dugoð on dreamedrihten herigað,weroda wuldorcyning,to widan feore.Swa reordoderæda gemyndig550 manna mildost,mihtum swiðed,hludan stefne;here stille badwitodes willan,wundor ongeton,modiges muðhæl;he to mænegum spræc:"Micel is þeos menigeo,mægenwisa trum,555 fullesta mæst,se ðas fare lædeð;hafað us on Cananeacyn gelyfedburh and beagas,brade rice;wile nu gelæstanþæt he lange gehetmid aðsware,engla drihten,560 in fyrndagumfæderyncynne,gif ge gehealdaðhalige lare,þæt ge feonda gehwoneforð ofergangað,gesittað sigericebe sæm tweonum,beorselas beorna.Bið eower blæd micel!"565 æfter þam wordumwerod wæs on salum,sungon sigebyman,(segnas stodon),on fægerne sweg;folc wæs on lande,hæfde wuldres beamwerud gelæded,halige heapas,on hild godes.570 Life gefegonþa hie oðlæded hæfdonfeorh of feonda dome,þeah ðe hie hit frecne geneðdon,weras under wætera hrofas.Gesawon hie þær weallas standan,ealle him brimu blodige þuhton,þurh þa heora beadosearo wægon.Hreðdon hildespelle,siððan hie þam herge wiðforon;575 hofon hereþreatashlude stefne,for þam dædweorcedrihten heredon,weras wuldres sang;wif on oðrum,folcsweota mæst,fyrdleoð golanaclum stefnum,eallwundra fela.580 þa wæs eðfyndeAfrisc meowleon geofones staðegolde geweorðod.Handa hofonhalswurðunge,bliðe wæron,bote gesawon,heddon herereafes,hæft wæs onsæled.585 Ongunnon sælafesegnum dælanon yðlafe,ealde madmas,reaf and randas.Heo on riht sceodongold and godweb,Iosepes gestreon,wera wuldorgesteald.Werigend lagon590 on deaðstede,drihtfolca mæst.