View No. 29.
There was formerly a bridge of boats here ; the present bridge was built in 1865, and completed in 1866, under the superintendence of Mr. Bruce, the then Municipal Engineer. The work can hardly be said to have turned out an engineering success, since, during the flood season of 1870, the north side wing pier was cut under by the current and gave way : it has since been repaired and is open for traffic, but its permanency is questionable, since the plan upon which it is built seems adapted to a tidal river, rather than a river subject to floods, like the Goomtee. The old stone bridge, built nearly a hundred years ago, may be placed in contrast, it preserves its original solidity, and it will be described hereafter.
To the west on the banks of the river, appears a pile of buildings called the CHUTTER MUNZIL. reference
View of Bruce's Bridge, also known as the Monkey Bridge, a stone bridge with three large arches that spans the Gomti River. reference
Bruce's Bridge, also know as Monkey Bridge, was built to cross the Gumti River linking Lucknow University on the northern bank to the Chattar Manzil on the southern bank. "There was formerly a bridge of boats here; the present bridge was built in 1865, and completed in 1866, under the superintendence of Mr. Bruce, the Municipal Engineer."
William Duff Bruce (1839-1900), Government Engineer, Lucknow, India. Born County Leitrim, Ireland. Died London. He also designed and built the bridge across the Goomtee, three spans of 80 feet each, in brickwork. [chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/file:///C:/Users/james/Desktop/Uploader/2015-obituary-william-duff-bruce-1839-1900.pdf Biography]
The bridge no longer exists, remnants of it are still visible to the west of the newer Hanuman Setu.