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Folk-Lore/Volume 4

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Folk-Lore (1893)
Volume 4
738602Folk-Lore — Volume 41893





[Incorporating The Archæological Review and
The Folk-Lore Journal.]

VOL. IV.—1893.







I.—(March 1893.)

Annual Address by the President 1
Magic Songs of the Finns, V. Hon. J. Abercromby 27
May-Day in Cheltenham. W. H. D. Rouse. (Illustrated) 50
Sacred Wells in Wales. Prof. J. Rhys 55
Report on Folk-tale Research, 1892. E. Sidney Hartland, F.S.A. 80

II.—(June 1893.)

Cinderella and Britain. Alfred Nutt 133
The False Bride. Miss G. M. Godden 142
English Folk-Drama, II. T. Fairman Ordish 149
Folk-lore Gleanings from County Leitrim. Leland L. Duncan 176
Balochi Tales. M. Longworth Dames 195
Obeah Worship in East and West Indies, May Robinson and M. J. Walhouse. (Illustrated) 207
The Oldest Icelandic Folk-lore. W. A. Craigie 219
The Folk. Joseph Jacobs 233

III.— (September 1893.)

Cinderella in Britain. Joseph Jacobs 269
Balochi Tales, III. M. Longworth Dames 285
The Cow-Mass. Edward Peacock, F.S.A. 303
First-footing in Edinburgh. G. Hastie 309
First-footing in Aberdeenshire. James E. Crombie 315
The Glass Mountain. A Note on Folk-lore Gleanings from County Leitrim. Mabel Peacock 322
Szekely Tales, I. Translated by Miss P. Gaye 328
The Chicago Folk-lore Congress of 1893. Hon. John Abercromby 345
A Batch of Irish Folk-lore. Professor A. C. Haddon 349
Celtic Myth and Saga. Report of Research during the years 1892 and 1893. Alfred Nutt 365

IV.— (December 1893.)

Cinderella and the Diffusion of Tales. Andrew Lang, M.A. 413
Some Recent Utterances of Mr. Newell and Mr. Jacobs. A Criticism. Alfred Nutt 434
Pin-Wells and Rag-Bushes. E. Sidney Hartland, F.S.A. 451
The Edinburgh Dinnshenchas. Edited and translated by Whitley Stokes, LL.D. 471
The Sanctuary of Mourie. Miss G. M. Godden. (With two Illustrations) 498
Melanesian Folk-tales. R. H. Codrington 509
Folk-lore in Wills. Leland L. Duncan 513
Balochi Tales, IV. M. Longworth Dames 518

Notes and News (March, June, September, December) 110, 251, 394, 529
Comparetti’s Kalevala. Hon. J. Abercromby 102
Troïtzky’s Vestiges de Paganisme. Professor A. C. Haddon 105
General Pitt-Rivers’ Excavations in Bokerly and Wansdyke. E. Sidney Hartland, F.S.A. 239
Frédéric Sander, La Mythologie du Nord. F. York Powell 388
Mr. Hartland's "Sin-Eater", and Primitive Sacraments. E. Sidney Hartland 106
Mouse-Nibbling. W. H. D. Rouse 106
"Bogles" and "Ghosts". Mrs. Balfour 107
Chained Images. Miss G. M. Godden 108
Chained Images. Major R. C. Temple 249
Red-haired Men. W. H. D. Rouse 249
Lenten Custom in the South of Italy. Lucy E. Broadwood 390
Key Magic. W. B. Gerish 391
"The Sin-Eater." Gertrude Hope 392
Notes on Welsh Folk-lore. Mrs. Frances Hoggan, M.D. 122
Wedding Dance-Mask from Co. Mayo. Prof. A. C. Haddon 123
Drinking the Moon. W. A. Clouston 124
Sorcery: Melting Wax Images of Intended Victims. Smelling the Head in token of Affection. W. A. Clouston 256
Naxian Superstitions. W. R. Paton 257
Tokens of Death. W. H. D. Rouse 258
How to locate a Drowned Body. W. B. Gerish 258
The Overflowing of Magic Wells. Margaret Stuart 259
Immuring Alive. M. J. Walhouse 259
Folk-lore Items from North Indian Notes and Queries. W. H. D. Rouse 396, 534
The Sin-Eater. Mrs. H. G. M. Murray-Aynsley 396
John Aller. T. W. E. Higgens 396
The Flitting Gnomes ; The Monaciello of Naples ; Dwarfs in the East ; Dwarfs in the West. M. L. C. (M. J. Walhouse) 400
May-Day at Watford, Herts. Percy Manning 403
Smelling in Token of Affection. W. B. Hope 537
Folk-lore Bibliography (March, June, September, December) 125, 263, 405, 538
Folk-lore Society. Fifteenth Annual Report of the Council.—Proceedings at Evening Meetings (March, June, December) 112, 253, 532
Index 543