The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Holy Ghost! with Light Divine
For works with similar titles, see Mercy.
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "30" " " "Holy Ghost! with Light Divine" } subsubtitle = "(LAST HOPE. 7,7,7,7)" composer = "Gottschalk" arranger = "Arranged by H. P. Main" poet = "Andrew Reed, 1817" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key aes \major \time 3/4 \relative e' {
<ees c>2 <f b,>4 | <ees c>( <aes ees>) <c ees,> |
q2 <bes d,>4 | <aes c,>2 r4 |
<< { aes( g) } \\ { d2 } >> <d aes'>4 | \break % end of first line
<< { aes'4( ees') } \\ { ees,2 } >> <ees c'>4 |
<d bes'>2 << { c'8[ bes] | bes2( ees,4) } \\ { d4 des2. } >> |
<ees c>2 <f b,>4 | <ees c>( <aes ees>) <c ees,> | \break %end of line 2
<c e,>2 << { des8[ c] | c2. aes4( g) } \\
{ ees4 | f2( c4) b2 } >>
<b f'>4 <ees c>( <ees des'>) <ees c'> |
q2 <des bes'>4 <c aes'>2. \bar "|."
<des aes'> <c aes'> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key aes \major \relative a {
<< { aes4( ees) <d aes> | ees( c') } \\
{ aes,2 s4 aes2 } >> <aes aes'>4 |
<ees' g>2 <e g>4 | <f aes>2 r4 |
<f bes>2 <fis b>4 | % end of line 1
<ees c'>2 <ees aes>4 |
<f aes>2 << { aes8[ f] } \\ { bes,4 } >> | <ees g>2. |
<< { aes4( ees) <d aes> | ees( c') aes | bes2 s4 s2. | f4( g) } \\
{ aes,2 s4 aes2 aes'4 g( c,) <c g'> | <f aes>2. d2 } >>
<d aes'>4 | <ees aes>( <g bes>)
<< { aes aes( g) } \\ { aes ees2 } >> <ees g>4 |
<aes aes,>2. <f des> <ees aes,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }](
- Ho-ly Ghost! with light divine,
Shine up-on this heart of mine;
Chase the shades of night a-way,
Turn my darkness in-to day. - Ho-ly Ghost! with power divine,
Cleanse this gui-ty heart of mine;
Long hath sin with-out con-trol,
Held do-min-ion o'er my soul, - Ho-ly Ghost! with joy div-ine
sad-dened heart of mine;
Bid my ma-ny woes de-part,
Heal my wound-ed bleed-ing heart, - Ho-ly Spir-it! all di-vine,
Dwell with-in this heart of mine;
Cast down ev-ery i-dol throne,
Reign su-preme-and reign a-lone.