A First Series of Hymns and Songs/Sacred Songs/Jesus walking upon the Sea
13. Jesus walking upon the Sea.
The waves are breaking snowy white
On the lake of Galilee,
The howling wind throughout the night
Upheaves the raging sea.
And tossing mid that tempest's roar
Are twelve poor fishermen,
Who vainly ply the struggling oar,
The wisn'd-for coast to gain:
When Jesus walks, amid the storm,
Upon the raging tide;
And bids the tremblers fear no harm,
And bids the storm subside.
O Jesu, when my soul is toss'd
On wild temptation's wave,
When confidence and hope are lost,
Be thou at hand to save.
Amid my darkness, grief, and pain,
Come, Jesu, then to me;
As erst to those poor fishermen
On the lake of Galilee.