Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Latham, Simon

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555217Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 32 — Latham, Simon1892Gordon Goodwin

LATHAM, SIMON (fl. 1618), falconer, derived his 'art and understanding' from Henry Sadleir of Everley, Wiltshire, third son of Sir Ralph Sadleir, grand falconer to Queen Elizabeth. He was afterwards appointed one of the officers under the master of the hawks. At the request of his friends he embodied his experiences in an excellent treatise entitled 'Lathams Falconry or the Faulcons Lure and Cure; in two Bookes. The first, concerning the ordering … of all Hawkes in generall, especially the Haggard Favlcon Gentle. The second, teaching approved medicines for the cure of all Diseases in them,' &c. ('Lathams new and second Booke of Falconrie, concerning the training vp of all Hawkes that were mentioned in his first Booke of the Haggart Favlcon, &c.'), 2 pts., 4to, London, 1615–18 (other editions in 1633, 1653, and 1658). There was likewise published under his name 'The Gentleman's Exercise, or Supplement to the Bookes of Faulconry,' 4to, London, 1662. Latham is thought to have been the nephew of Lewis Latham of Elstow, Bedfordshire, under falconer (1625) but afterwards (1627) serjeant falconer to the king (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1625–6 p. 544, 1627–8 p. 301, 1661–2 pp. 366, 369), who died a reputed centenarian in May 1655 (Elstow parish register; will registered in P. C. C. 316, Aylett). A curious portrait of Lewis Latham is in the possession of his descendants, the Holden family of the United States.

[Latham's Falconry; J. O. Austin's Genealog. Dict. of Rhode Island; Harting's Bibliotheca accipitraria.]