Lyra Davidica/On the birth of Christ
On the birth of Christ.
In dulci Jubilo.
Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)
Let Jubil-Trumpets blow & hearts in Raptures flow
Our beloved One lies in ye manger low
nor Heav'n brighter Sun than Mary's lap can Show
th'Alpha & great O—th'all incirling O.
O Charming Infancy,
My Heart it pants for thee:
Chear my anxious Mind,
Look, look sweet Babe on me,
With all thy Graces kind;
O Princely Majesty,
Draw me after thee, [draw me, &c.]
O Love oth' Father dear,
More meekly Shining here:
We'd in Hell been chain'd,
Incessant Flames to bear:
But he for us Regain'd
The Glories of the Sphere.
O were we but there. [O were we, &c.]
O Joy where art thou found?
On Paradisial Ground;
Where the Angels Sing,
And Hallalujahs Sound.
Where the Cymbals ring;
And where the King is Crown'd.
There may we be found. [There may, &c.]