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Poems (Loveman)/Lines

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For works with similar titles, see Lines.
4728524Poems — LinesSamuel Loveman

I know no light beyond the night,I see no star to pierce the star,But still'd and windless in my sight,There pass the dreams that once were fair,
Oh! to have known and lost all this,The brimming youth, the joy to reap,And in its stead a transient bliss,To drift in unforgetting sleep.April 20, 1911.
To toil with fools, to drudge with slavesAnd keep above them giant-wise;To know the world is full of knaves,Yet deem it but one's miseries.
Heine, thy spirit I invoke,Blood of one blood, our race divine,Invest me with thy glittering yoke,Poison me with thy fairy wine.
Give me to know the world as 't is,Bereft of joy and bitter-bare,And leave me in my dreams but this,The gift of beauty everywhere.May 30, 1911.