Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Llwyd, Gruffydd (fl.1370-1420)

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691856Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 34 — Llwyd, Gruffydd (fl.1370-1420)1893Daniel Lleufer Thomas

LLWYD, GRUFFYDD (fl. 1370–1420), Welsh poet, son of Dafydd ab Einion Llygliw, was family bard to Owen Glendower. Two poems by him, possessing considerable beauty, have been published. One, a spirited 'call to arms,' addressed to Glendower, appeared in an English translation, by the Rev. R. Williams of Vron, in Jones's ‘Welsh Bards, pp. 21-4, in Pennant's 'Tour in Wales' and later works. The subject of his other poem is the trial of Morgan Davydd Llewelyn of Edwinsford at the court of great sessions in Carmarthen, before Sir David Hanmer, on the charge of having killed Hanmer's predecessor on the bench. This is dated 1390; it was published with an English paraphrase in Iolo MSS. pp. 288, 679, and contains some valuable historical references to contemporary bards.

[Williams's Eminent Welshmen, s.v.; Hanes Llenyddiaeth Gymreig, by G. ab Rhys, pp. 185-191.]