Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Long, John (1548-1589)

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556512Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 34 — Long, John (1548-1589)1893William Alexander Reynell

LONG, JOHN (1548–1589), archbishop of Armagh, born in London in 1548, was educated at Eton. He contributed four Latin epigrams to the verses presented by Eton scholars to Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle in 1563. He afterwards proceeded to King's College, Cambridge, where he was admitted a scholar on 13 Aug. 1564. Although reputed a profound scholar, he seems to have taken no degree. After holding many livings in England, he was promoted to the see of Armagh and primacy of all Ireland in July 1584, on the nomination of Sir John Perrot [q. v.], the lord-deputy, to whom the appointment had been referred by the queen. He was made a member of the privy council in Ireland in 1585, and died at Drogheda in 1589, being buried in Primate Octavian's vault at St. Peter's, Drogheda. Lord-deputy Fitzwilliam, in a letter, dated 12 Feb. 1588–9, to William Lyon [q. v.], bishop of Cork, remarks, ‘that the late John Long, archbishop of Armagh, loved good cheer but too well.’ His widow, Anne, petitioned Fitzwilliam for relief, ‘on account of the poore estate she hath been left in with the chardge of children, and servants, and people,’ seeing that her goods to the value of 16l. 9s. 4d. ‘had been seized, valued, and praised to her majestys use, towards her majesty's satisfaction of the 20th parte of the said diocese.’ The reply to her petition states ‘that her saide late husband was a good and faithful councellore of this borde.’ Accordingly, on 15 May 1589, the widow's prayer was granted, and payment of further dues to the crown was excused.

[Harwood's Alumni Etonenses; Stewart's History of Armagh; Cal. State Papers, Ireland; Ware's Bishops; Cotton's Fasti Eccl. Hib.; Lynch's Feudal Dignities; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 72.]