The Conservative (Lovecraft)/July 1918/Lord Kitchener
For works with similar titles, see Kitchener.
Lord Kitchener
By Wilfrid Kemble
He climb'd no lofty Pisgah, nor survey'd
A land of milk and honey wide outspread,
Where fervent warriors, stopping o'er the dead,
Would end their strife with victory long delay'd;
But he could view with pride one vast parade
Of comrades arm'd, who, ne'er to warfare bred,
Along each highway march'd with dauntless tread,
At Death's dark menace smiling undismay'd.
Not his in hallow'd ground to sleep outworn,
His task erewhile to others' care resign'd.
God took him almost from the soldier's tent
With eye not dim and natural force unspent;
But o'er his unknown tomb none ever mourn
Except the troubled sea and wailing wind.