Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Lucas, Charles (1808-1869)

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698157Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 34 — Lucas, Charles (1808-1869)1893James Cuthbert Hadden

LUCAS, CHARLES (1808–1869), musical composer, born at Salisbury 28 July 1808, was for eight years a chorister in the cathedral, and afterwards studied at the Royal Academy of Music. In 1830 he joined Queen Adelaide's private band, and about the same time became music preceptor to Prince George (now Duke) of Cambridge and the Princes of Saxe-Weimar. In 1832 he was appointed conductor at the Royal Academy of Music, and in 1839 organist of Hanover Chapel, Regent Street. He was for some time conductor of the Choral Harmonists' Society, and from 1840 to 1843 occasionally conducted at the Antient Concerts. From 1859 to 1866 he was principal of the Royal Academy of Music, and from 1856 to 1865 a member of the music-publishing house of Addison, Hollier, & Lucas. He was in much request as a violoncello player, and in that capacity succeeded Robert Lindley [q. v.] at the opera and the leading festivals and concerts. He composed an opera, 'The Regicide,' three symphonies, string quartets, anthems, songs, &c., and edited 'Esther' (1851) for the Handel Society. He died 23 March 1869, and was buried at Woking, Surrey.

[Grove's Dict. of Music, ii. 170, where the date of his death is erroneously given as 30 March; Musical Times, April and May 1869; Mag. of Music, October 1890, where his portrait is engraved.]