Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Mangey, Thomas

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484273Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 36 — Mangey, Thomas1893Joseph Hirst Lupton

MANGEY, THOMAS (1688–1755), divine, son of Arthur Mangey, a goldsmith of Leeds, was born in 1688. He was educated at the Leeds free school, and was admitted as subsizar to St. John's College, Cambridge, 28 June 1704, at the age of sixteen. He graduated B.A. in 1707 and M.A. in 1711, and was admitted a fellow of St. John's 5 April 1715. In 1716 he is described on the title-page of one of his sermons as chaplain at Whitehall. In 1718 he resigned his fellowship. In 1719 or earlier he was chaplain to the Bishop of London, Dr. John Robinson (1714-23). In 1719 he also proceeded LL.D., and in July 1725 D.D., being one of the seven who then received their doctorate at the hands of Dr. Bentley. As deputy to Dr. Lupton, preacher of Lincoln's Inn (who died in December 1726), he delivered a series of discourses on the Lord's Prayer, of which a second edition appeared in 1717. From 1717 to 1719-20 he held the rectory of St. Nicholas, Guildford (Manning, Surrey, i. 69), and subsequently the vicarage of Ealing, Middlesex, which he resigned in 1754, and the rectory of St. Mildred's, Bread Street, which he retained till his death. In May 1721 he was presented to the fifth stall in Durham Cathedral, and promoted from that to the first in January 1722. Mangey died at Durham, 6 March 1755, and was buried in the east transept of his cathedral. He married Dorothy, a daughter of Dr. John Sharpe, archbishop of York, by whom he left a son, John, afterwards vicar of Dunmow, Essex, and prebendary of St. Paul's, who died in 1782. His widow survived him till 1780.

Mangey was an active and prolific writer. His great work was his edition of Philo Judaeus, 'Philonis Judaei Opera . . . typis Gulielmi Bowyer,' 2 vols. fol. London, 1742, in which Harwood professed to detect many inaccuracies, but which Dr. Edersheim spoke of as still, on the whole, the best. Some voluminous materials collected by Mangey for this edition are in the Additional and Egerton MSS. in the British Museum, Nos. 6447-50 and 6457. He also made collations of the text of the Greek Testament (Addit. and Egerton MSS. 6441-5); while his critical notes and adversaria on Diodorus Siculus and other classical authors occupy Nos. 6425-9, 6459, and other volumes of the same collection.

His printed works, besides the 'Philo,' are chiefly sermons, and polemical treatises against Toland and Whiston. One volume of collected sermons by him was published in 1732. His 'Remarks upon "Nazarenus," wherein the Falsity of Mr. Toland's Mahometan Gospel. &c., are set forth,' 1719, called forth more than one rejoinder. Toland replied to it the year after in his 'Tetradymus.' Another of his treatises, 'Plain Notions of our Lord's Divinity,' also published in 1719, was answered the same year by 'Phileleutherus Cantabrigiensis,' i.e. Thomas Herne [q. v.]

[Authorities quoted; Baker's Hist, of St. John's College, Cambridge, ed. Mayor, i. 302-3; Hutchinson's Hist, and Antiquities of Durham, ii. 173; Le Neve's Fasti, iii. 309; Nichols's Lit. IIlustr. iv. 152, &c.; various volumes of the Additional and Egerton MSS., ranging from 6422 to 6457-]