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Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern/In die Natiuitatis

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For works with similar titles, see In die Nativitatis.

An annotated version of this text is available.

2714119Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern — In die Natiuitatis1833William Sandys


Meruele nozt, iosep, on Mary mylde;
forsake hyr not they she be wt chylde.
I iosep wonder how this may be,
That mary wex gret when y and she
euer haue leuyd in chastite;
If she be wt chylde, hit ys not by me.
Meruell not, Joseph.
The holy gost wt mercifull disstens
In here hathe entryd wt owte offens,
God and man conceyued by hys p̃sens,
An the virgyn pure wt owte violens.
Meruell no, ioseph.
What the angell of god to me dothe say,
I ioseph muste and will vmble obay,
Ellys pꝛuely y wolde have stole a way,
But now will y srue her tille yt y day.
mũell not, iosep.
Josep, thow shalt here mayde & moder fynde,
here sone redemptor of all man kynde,
Thy fore faders of paynes to unbynde;
There for muse not this mater in thy mynde.
mũell not.