Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison/Minutes of Indian Conference Held by Harrison with the chiefs

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Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison
edited by Logan Esarey
Minutes of Indian Conference Held by Harrison with the chiefs (September 17, 1802)
1210746Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison — Minutes of Indian Conference Held by Harrison with the chiefs (September 17, 1802)Logan Esarey

Minutes of Indian Conference

September 17, 1802

Dawson, Harrison, 27

In a conference, holden by William Henry Harrison, Governor and commander in chief in and over the Indiana Territory, and intendant of Indian affairs, and the Sachems and Chiefs of the Potawatamy, Kickapoo, Eel River, Kaskaskia, Wea, and Piankishaw nations, the said Sachems and Chiefs aforesaid have nominated and appointed the Little Turtle, Richarville, To-pinee-bik, and Winemak, or a majority of them, to finally settle and adjust a treaty with such agent or agents as may be appointed on behalf of the United States, which shall be established on the following article, to wit:

That the United States shall relinquish all claim to lands in the neighborhood of Vincennes, excepting the following described tract, which we the undersigned Sachems and Chiefs for ourselves and the nations we represent, do by these presents authorize and empower you, the said Little Turtle, Richarville, To-pinee-bik, and Winemak, or a majority of you, to transfer and make over to the United States in consideration of the relinquishment above mentioned, the tract of land comprised within the following lines and boundaries, to wit: beginning at Point Coupee on the Wabash river, thence running a westwardly line four leagues, thence southwardly by a line drawn parallel to the general course of the Wabash river until it will be intersected by a westwardly line drawn from the confluence of the White river and Wabash river, thence from the point of intersection aforesaid along the said line by the confluence of the White and Wabash rivers in an easterly direction twenty-four leagues, thence northeastwardly by a line drawn parallel to the general course of the said Wabash river until it will intersect an easterly line dravni from Point Coupee aforesaid, on the Wabash river, thence by the line last mentioned to Point Coupee, the place of beginning.

And we, the undersigned Sachems and Chiefs, also authorize and empower you the said Little Turtle, Richarville, To-pinee-bik, and Winemak, or a majority of you, to transfer and make over to the United States the privilege of making salt for ever at the salt lick on the Saline river, and also a tract of land four miles square, including the salt lick aforesaid.

Done at Vincennes, the 17th day of September, 1802.

Wonongaseah, (or five medals)
Ma-Gaa-Goh, X
Wake-Nah, (or Left Hand) X
Kee-Sas, (or Sun) X


Pottawatamy Chiefs

Ma-Mi-La-Chich, (or ground hog) X
Ma-Top-Sa-Ni-Ah, (or Sam) X


Eel river Chiefs

Nontour, X
Grosble, X
Troisfesses, X


Piankishaw Chiefs

Fusee, X
Young Labossiere, X
Se-Con-Quan-Ing-Guah, X


Wea Chiefs

Baptiste Ducoigne, X, a Kaskaskia Chief

Pa-Ke-Ka-Nak, X
Pos-Se-Lan-Con-Guah, X


Kickapoo Chiefs

Done in the Presence of

W. Wells, agent for the district of Fort Wayne
Jno. Gibson
Henry Vanderburgh
Jno. Rice Jones
B. Parke
David Coupland, Virg'a
Cornelius Lyman, com't 1st In'fy Reg.
Carter B. Harrison, Virg'a
Joseph Baron, sworn Interpreter
Jas. Johnston