Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Moon, Francis Graham

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1332449Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 38 — Moon, Francis Graham1894Gordon Goodwin

MOON, Sir FRANCIS GRAHAM (1796–1871), printseller and publisher, born on 28 Oct. 1796 in St. Andrew, Holborn, was youngest son of Christopher Moon, gold and silver smith, by Ann, daughter of T. Withry (Burke, Peerage, 1890, p. 979). Placed with Mr. Tugwell, book and print seller of Threadneedle Street, he made many friends, by whose assistance he was enabled on Tugwell's death to take over the business. Subsequently he devoted himself to print-publishing upon a large scale. For this business, as a man of remarkable taste and judgment, he was admirably qualified, and he gradually rose to be the acknowledged head of his trade. In 1825 Messrs. Hurst, Robinson, & Co., the immediate successors of John Boydell [q.v.], became bankrupt, and Moon purchased the greater part of their stock. At the same time he joined the firm of Moon, Boys, & Graves in Pall Mall, but still carried on his own business at the corner of Finch Lane, Threadneedle Street. Moon was liberal in his dealings with artists, and popular with them. Sir David Wilkie once presented him with the copyright of one of his paintings. Others, especially C. R. Leslie, R.A., gave him drawings and the original sketches for their great pictures. He reproduced some of the finest works of Wilkie, Sir Charles Eastlake, Sir Edwin Landseer, David Roberts, Samuel Prout, C. R. Leslie, Clarkson Stanfield, and George Cattermole. One of his most celebrated publications was David Roberts's 'Sketches in the Holy Land,' &c., which

cost 50,000l. to bring out. Moon's taste and persuasive manners were humorously noticed in some verses by Hood (cited in City Press, 28 Oct. 1871, p. 2, col. 6). He received the patronage of the English and many European courts, and was invited by Louis-Philippe as a private guest to St. Cloud.

In 1830 Moon was elected a common councilman; in 1843 he acted as sheriff of London and Middlesex; in 1844 he was chosen alderman of Portsoken Ward; and in 1854 he became lord mayor. On 28 April 1855 he received at Guildhall the emperor and empress of the French, and was created a baronet on 4 May following. Moon in turn visited Paris, where the emperor made him a chevalier of the Legion of Honour. In the spring of 1871 he resigned his aldermanic gown, acceptig that of Bridge Without. He died at Brighton on 13 Oct. 1871, and was buried on the 20th in Fetcham Churchyard, Surrey. By his marriage, on 28 Oct. 1818, to Anne, eldest daughter of John Chancellor, carriage builder, of Kensington, he had four sons and four daughters. Of the former the eldest is the Rev. Sir Edward Graham Moon (b. 1825), rector and patron of Fetcham. Lady Moon died on 24 May 1870.

[City Press, 21 and 28 Oct. 1871; Illustrated London News, 21 and 28 Oct. 1871 (with portrait); Men of the Time, 1868, p. 594; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886, iii. 972; Walford's County Families, 1893.]