Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Moone, Peter

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1332476Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 38 — Moone, Peter1894Ronald Bayne

MOONE, PETER (fl. 1548), poet, was author of 'A Short Treatise of certayne Thinges abused in the Popysh Church, long used, but now abolyshed, to our consolation, and God's Word avaunced, the Lyght of our Salvation.' This is a poem in thirty-seven eight-line stanzas, rhyming a b a b b c b c, the last line being a refrain used in all the stanzas. After the poem follows, 'To God onely gyve the glory, quod Peter Moone. Imprinted at Ippyswyche by me, Jhon Oswen.' The work is excessively rare. The date 1548 is added in writing in the copy in the British Museum. There is an allusion to 'my Lorde Protector' [Somerset] in the poem. Hunter suggests that 'Mrs. Amy Moon of Norfolk,' second wife of Thomas Tusser [q. v.], was a relative, 'perhaps sister,' of the poet (Chorus Vatum, Add. MS. 24488-506).

[Tanner's Bibliotheca, p. 531; British Museum Cat.]