Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Moore, Aubrey Lackington

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1332684Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 38 — Moore, Aubrey Lackington1894Herbert Edward Douglas Blakiston

MOORE, AUBREY LACKINGTON (1848–1890), writer on theology and philosophy, born in 1848, was second son of Daniel Moore, vicar of Holy Trinity, Paddington, and prebendary of St. Paul's. He was educated at St. Paul's School (1860-7), which he left with an exhibition, matriculating as a commoner of Exeter College, Oxford, 1867, whence, after obtaining first class honours in classical moderations and literce humaniores, he graduated B.A. in 1871 (M.A. 1874). He was fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, 1872-1876; became a lecturer and tutor (1874); was assistant tutor at Magdalen College (1875); and was rector of Frenchay, near Bristol, from 1876 to 1881, when he was appointed a tutor of Keble College. He became examining chaplain to Bishops Mackarness and Stubbs of Oxford, select preacher at Oxford 1885-6, Whitehall preacher 1887-8, and hon. canon of Christ Church 1887. A few weeks before his death he accepted an official fellowship as dean of divinity at Magdalen, and when nominated simultaneously to examine in the final honour schools of theology and literce humaniores, accepted the latter post. He died after a very brief illness on 17 Jan. 1890, and was buried in Holy well cemetery. At Oxford Moore had a unique position as at once a theologian and a philosopher of recognised attainments in natural science, dealing fearlessly with the metaphysical and scientific questions affecting theology. He lectured mainly on philosophy and on the history of the Reformation. Though rendered constitutionally weak by physical deformity, he had great powers of endurance and hard work, was a brilliant talker and preacher, and distinguished as a botanist.

He married in 1876 Catharine, daughter of Frank Hurt, esq., by whom he left three daughters. A fund of nearly 1,000l. was subscribed to his memory by friends, from which an 'Aubrey Moore' studentship (for theological research), open to graduates of Oxford, was founded in 1890, and a posthumous portrait of him by C. W. Furse was placed in Keble College Hall in 1892 (cf. Report of Committee, June 1892).

He published, besides a few scattered sermons, a valuable essay on 'The Christian Doctrine of God' in 'Lux Mundi' (1889); 'Holy Week Addresses' on the 'Appeal and Claim of Christ' (1888); 'Science and the Faith,' 1889 (a series of essays on apologetic subjects contributed mainly to the ' Guardian' in which he had written constantly since 1883). His executors published a further selection of ' Essays Scientific and Philosophical' and 'Lectures on the History of the Reformation' in 1890, a volume of sermons on 'Some Aspects of Sin' in 1891, 'The Message of the Gospel' (ordination addresses) and 'From Advent to Advent' (sermons) in 1892.

[Memoirs in the Guardian, 29 Jan. 1890, by E. S. Talbot, D.D., and in the 'Oxford Mag. 22 Jan. 1890, by the Rev. W. Lock, both reprinted in Essays Scient. and Phil.; Gardiner's St. Paul's School Register, p. 340; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Crockford; information from the Rev. W. Lock of Keble College.]