Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Moundeford, Thomas

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1340695Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 39 — Moundeford, Thomas1894Norman Moore

MOUNDEFORD, THOMAS, M.D. (1550–1630), physician, fourth son of Osbert Moundeford and his wife Bridget, daughter of Sir John Spilman of Narburgh, Norfolk, was born in 1550 at Feltwell, Norfolk, where his father's monument is still to be seen in the parish church. He was educated at Eton and admitted a scholar of King's College, Cambridge, on 16 Aug. 1568. On 17 Aug. 1571 he was admitted a fellow, and graduated B.A. 1572 and M.A. 1576. On 18 July 1580 he diverted to the study of medicine. From 1580 to 1583 he was bursar of King's College and left the college in August 1583. He married soon after Mary Hill, daughter of Richard Hill, mercer, of Milk Street, London, but continued to reside in Cambridge till he had graduated M.D. He then moved to London, and 9 April 1593 was a licentiate of the College of Physicians, and 29 Jan. 1594 a fellow. He lived in Milk Street in the city of London. He was seven times a censor of the College of Physicians, was treasurer in 1608, and president 1612, 1613, 1614, 1619, 1621, 1622, and 1623. He published in 1622 a small book entitled 'Vir Bonus,' dedicated to James I, to John, bishop of Lincoln, and to four judges, Sir James Lee, Sir Julius Cæsar, Sir Henry Hobart, and Sir Laurence Tanfield. This large legal acquaintance was due to the fact that his daughter Bridget had, in 1606, married Sir John Bramston, afterwards, in 1635, chief justice of the king's bench. The book is divided into four parts, 'Temperantia,' 'Prudentia,' 'Justicia,' and 'Fortitude.' He praises the king, denounces smoking, alludes to the 'Basilicon Doron,' and shows that he was well read in Cicero, Tertullian, the Greek testament, and the Latin bible, and expresses admiration of Beza. The whole is a summary of what experience had taught him of the conduct of life. He became blind and died in 1630 in Sir John Bramston's house in Philip Lane, London. He was buried in the church of St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, which was burnt in the great fire. His wife died in her ninety-fourth year, in 1656, in the house in which they had lived together in Milk Street. He had two sons: Osbert, admitted a scholar of King's College, Cambridge, on 25 Aug. 1601, aged 16; and Richard, admitted a scholar of the same college on 25 Aug. 1603. Both died before their father, and their epitaph, in English verse, is given in Stow's 'London.' It was in the church of St. Mary Magdalen. He had also two daughters, Bridget, above mentioned, and Katharine, who married Christopher Rander of Burton in Lincolnshire.

[Munk's Coll. of Phys. i. 103; Blomefield's Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk, 1805, ii. 187; Autobiography of Sir John Bramston (Camden Soc.), 1845; extracts from the original Protocollum Book of King's College, Cambridge, kindly made by A. Tilley, fellow of the college; Works.]