Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Mountain, Thomas

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1340808Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 39 — Mountain, Thomas1894Albert Frederick Pollard

MOUNTAIN, THOMAS (d. 1561?), divine, son of Richard Mountain, servant to Henry VIII and Edward VI, proceeded M.A. at Cambridge, was admitted on 29 Oct. 1545 to the rectory of Milton-next-Gravesend, and on 29 Dec. 1550 to that of St. Michael Tower Royal, or Whittington College, in Rio Lane. He was at Cambridge with Northumberland in 1553, an active partisan of the duke, and on 11 Oct. was summoned before Gardiner for celebrating communion in two kinds; he was also charged with treason as having been 'in the field with Northumberland against the queen' (Harl. MS. 425, ff. 106-117). The following March he was cited to appear at Bow Church before the vicar-general for being married. He was imprisoned in the Marshalsea, and removed thence to stand his trial for treason at Cambridge; but no one appeared against him, and Mountain returned to London. He subsequently fled to Colchester, and thence to Antwerp, where he taught a school, removing to Duisburg near the Rhine after a year and a half. On the accession of Elizabeth he returned to England, and died apparently in 1561, possessed of the rectory of St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London.

Mountain left a circumstantial account of his troubles extant in Harl. MS. 425, ff. 106-117: copious extracts from it are incorporated in Strype's 'Ecclesiastical Memorials' and Froude's 'History of England,' v. 277-8.

[Harl. MS. 425, ff. 106-17; Strype's Eccles. Memorials, and Cranmer, passim; Foxe's Acts and Monuments; Newcourt's Repertorium, i. 494, 519; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. i. 213, 553; Froude's Hist, of England, v. 277-8.]