Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Murdoch, Patrick

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1341019Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 39 — Murdoch, Patrick1894Gordon Goodwin

MURDOCH, PATRICK (d. 1774), author, a native of Dumfries, was educated at the University of Edinburgh, where he distinguished himself in mathematics and was the pupil and friend of Colin Maclaurin [q. v.] In 1729 he was appointed tutor to John Forbes, only son of Lord-president Duncan Forbes of Culloden, and visited with him Orleans, Montauban, Rome, and other continental cities. Forbes subsequently paid Murdoch long and frequent visits at Stradishall rectory, Suffolk, and placed his eldest son, Duncan, under his tuition (Burton, Lives of Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes, pp. 344-6). Murdoch was likewise travelling tutor to the younger sons of James Vernon, ambassador to the court of Denmark. He was presented by James Vernon to the rectory of Stradishall in 1738, when his friend, James Thomson, addressed to him some pleasing lines (Works, ed. 1762, i. 457). On 20 March 1745 he was elected F.R.S. (Thomson, Hist. of Royal Soc. App. iv. p. xliv), and in 1748 was admitted M.A. at Cambridge per literas regias. William Leman gave him the rectory of Kettlebaston, Suffolk, in 1749, which he resigned in 1760 on being presented by Edward Vernon to the vicarage of Great Thurlow; but he still continued to reside at Stradishall. In 1756 he accompanied his friend Andrew (afterwards Sir Andrew) Mitchell (1695 ?-1771) [q.v.], to Berlin, where he remained until 1757, conducting part of the correspondence, while Mitchell and his secretary, Burnet, were with the army (Bisset, Memoirs of Sir A. Mitchell, i. 37-41). Shortly after his return home, he received the degree of D.D., presumably from the University of Edinburgh. Murdoch died in October 1774 in St. Clement Danes, London (Nicols, Lit. Anecd. viii. 465; Probate Act Book, P. C. C. 1774). He appears to have been amicable and simple-hearted, and a good scholar. Though he speaks of his engagement to a lady whom he met in Paris in 1742 (Culloden Papers, p. 177), he died a bachelor (see will, P. C. C. 402, Bargrave). His library was sold in 1776 (Nichols, iii. 656).

Murdoch, having written the 68th stanza in canto i. of Thomson's 'Castle of Indolence,' in which he portrayed the poet, Thomson gave the next stanza as descriptive of Murdoch, referring to him as 'a little, round, fat, oily man of God.' Murdoch also wrote a short but clear and lively memoir of Thomson prefixed to the memorial edition of the poet's 'Works,' 2 vols. 4to, 1762, and to nearly all the later editions of 'The Seasons.'

To Colin Maclaurin's 'Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries,' 4to, London, 1748, which he saw through the press for the benefit of the author's children, he prefixed an account of his life. Another edition was issued in 1750, 8vo. He also edited the illustrations of perspective from conic sections, entitled 'Neutoni Genesis Curvarum per Umbras,' &c., 8vo, London, 1746. He contemplated a complete edition of Newton's works, and by 1766 had found a publisher in Andrew Millar [q.v.], but increasing infirmities obliged him to abandon the undertaking.

Murdoch was author of 'Mercator's Sailing, applied to the true Figure of the Earth; with an Introduction,' &c., 4to, London, 1741. To the 'Philosophical Transactions' he communicated eight papers, two of which 'Trigonometry abridged,' 1758, and 'On Geographical Maps,' 1758, exist in the original manuscript among the Additional MSS. in the British Museum (No. 4440, arts. 564 and 565). He translated from the German the portion of Anton Friedrich Buesching's 'New System of Geography,' which relates to the European states, 6 vols. 4to, London, 1762, and prefixed three explanatory essays.

Murdoch's letters to Dr. Thomas Birch, 1756-9, are in Additional MS. 4315; those to Sir Andrew Mitchell, 1756-70, are contained in Additional MS. 6840; while twelve letters by him are printed in the 'Culloden Papers,' 4to, 1815. His letterbook, when acting for Mitchell at Berlin, 1756-7, is Additional MS. 6841 (cf. Add. MSS. 6805, f. 48, 6839, f. 105).

[Davy's Suffolk Collections (Addit. MS. 19103, under Stradishall); Suffolk Garland, pp. 25-6.]