Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Murray, Amelia Matilda

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1341063Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 39 — Murray, Amelia Matilda1894Gordon Goodwin

MURRAY, AMELIA MATILDA (1795–1884), writer, born in 1795, was fourth daughter of Lord George Murray [q. v.], bishop of St. Davids, by Anne Charlotte (d. 1844), second daughter of Lieutenant-general Francis Ludovick Grant, M.P. (Burke, Peerage, 1891, p. 69). In 1805, when staying at Weymouth, she became known to George III and the royal family, and on her mother being appointed in 1808 a lady in waiting upon the Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth, she was frequently at court, where her brightness attracted much notice. One of the most intimate friends of her earlier years was Lady Byron. She became an excellent botanist and artist, and interested herself in the education of destitute and delinquent children, being an original member of the Children's Friend Society, which was established in 1830, and of kindred institutions. In 1837 she was chosen maid of honour to Queen Victoria. In July 1854 she started on a tour through the United States, Cuba, and Canada, returning home in October 1855 a zealous advocate for the abolition of slavery. Upon her proposing to print an account of her travels she was reminded that court officials were not allowed to publish anything savouring of politics. Rather than suppress her opinions, Miss Murray resigned her post in 1856, but was subsequently made extra woman of the bedchamber. She died on 7 June 1884 at Glenberrow, Herefordshire.

Miss Murray published:

  1. 'Remarks on Education in 1847,' 16mo, London, 1847.
  2. 'Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada,' 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1856. She had prepared, but did not publish, a series of sketches to accompany these volumes.
  3. 'Recollections from 1803 to 1837, with a Conclusion in 1868,' 8vo, London, 1868.
  4. 'Pictorial and Descriptive Sketches of the Odenwald,' 2 pts. oblong 4to. London, 1869.

[Miss Murray's Recollections; Times, 11 June 1884, p. 12.]