The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/O Maker of the Sea and Sky
![\version "2.16.2"
skyComposer = \markup { \column { "From the Kyrie, Twelfth Mass," \line { "by Johann Mozart, 1756-1791" } } }
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "O Maker of the Sea and Sky" " " "101" } subsubtitle = "(MOZART. L.M.)" composer = \skyComposer poet = "Henry Burton, 1605" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key g \major \time 3/4 \relative d' {
<g d>4 q q |
<fis d>2 << { d4 } \\ { d } >> |
<c' d,>2 <c fis,>4 |
<b g>2. |
<d g,>4 q <b g> |
<< { d4( c) } \\ { e,2 } >> <a d,>4 |
<g d>2 <b g>8 <a fis> | q2. | \break
<< { g4 g g | fis4.( e8) d4 } \\ { g4 g g | fis4.( e8) d4 } >>
<c' d,>2 q4 |
<b d,>2. |
<d d,>4 <d g,> <b f> |
<< { a4( c) } \\ { e,2 } >> <e' e,>4 |
<g, d>2 <fis c>4 |
<g b,>2. \bar "|."
<g c,> <g b,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key g \major \relative d' {
<b g,>4 <b b,> <b g,> |
<a d,>2 <fis d>4 |
<fis d>( <a fis>) <d d,> |
<d g,>2. |
<b g>4 <d b> <d g,> |
<< { a2 } \\ { a } >> <c fis,>4 |
<b g>2 <d g,>4 |
<d d,>2. |
<b g>4 <d b> <b g> |
<c a>4.( <b g>8\noBeam) <a fis> <g e> |
<fis d>[ <g e> <a fis> <b g>] <c a> <a fis> |
<< { g2. } \\ { g } >> |
<b g>4 q <d gis,> |
<c a>2 <a c,>4 |
<b d,>2 <a d,>4 |
<g g,>2. |
<e c> | <d g,>
} } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } }](
- Maker of the sea and sky,
Whose word the storm-y winds fulfill,
On the wide ocean thou art nigh,
Bidding these hearts of ours be still. - Thou bidd'st the north or south wind blow;
The lonely sea bird is thy care;
And in the clouds which come and go,
We see thy chariots everywhere. - The sun that lights the homeland dear
Spreads the new morning o'er the deep;
And in the dark thy stars appear,
Keeping their watches while we sleep. - And so, secure from all arms,
Thy seas beneath, thy skies above,
Clasped in the everlastng arms,
We rest in thine unslumbering love. Amen.