Lyra Davidica/Spiritual Watchfulness
Spiritual Watchfulness.
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![<< \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 2/2 \key f \major \autoBeamOff
a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 c | f, g a2 | d4 d8 ([e]) f4 a, |
g2 f | a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 c | f, g a2 | d4 d8 ([e]) f4 a, |
g2 f | c'4 g a2 | d4 a bes2 c4 g a8 ([bes]) c4 |
c4. bes8 c2 | d4 d8 ([e]) f4 a, | g4. (f8) f2 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { O my Soul \markup{\concat{W\super{th}}} prayers & cries Watch & rea -- dy make thee Lest ap -- proach -- ing by Sur -- prise th'e -- vil time o'er Take thee. For a while Sa -- tan's Wile ham -- pers ma -- ny Pi -- _ ous loost to tempt and try Us.}
\new Staff \relative d, { \clef bass \key f \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature
f4 f' e e, | d c f2 | bes4 bes' a a,8 [bes] |
c4 c,4 f2 | f4 f' e e, | d c f2 | bes4 bes' a a,8 [bes] |
c4 c,4 f2 | e'4 e, f f'8 [e] | d4 fis g g8 [fis] | e2 f4 a |
g g, c2 | bes4 bes' a a,8 [bes] | c4 c,4 f2 } >>](
Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)
O my Soul Wth prayers & cries
Watch & ready make thee
Lest approaching by Surprise
th'evil time o'er Take thee.
For a while
Satan's Wile
hampers many Pious
loost to tempt and try Us.
FIrst take care thy self to rouse
From Sin's Sleep enchanting;
Torments great such heavy Brows
Will not long be wanting.
Least mishaps
And Death traps
Seize thee time mispending,
Unawares Offending.
Wake for Jesus otherwise
Cannot thee Enlighten.
Rouse thee e're the true Light flies
Which thy Lamp should brighten.
Grant he will
Graces still;
But bids us that have them
Look to him that gave them.
Watchful be left Satan's Craft
Should surprise thee sleeping.
Since his Darts more swift than shaft
Fly the Winds out stripping.
God let's all
Such Saints fall,
Into woes and weeping,
Who are guardless sleeping.
Lest the World should thee constrain,
Watch with fear and trembling;
Lest she to herself regain
Thee by her dissembling.
Strict Watch set;
And ne'er let
Treach'rous Conversation
Int' Association.
Also watch thy self within,
Flesh and Spirit ever;
Lest thro' Carelesness and Sin
God withdraw his Favour.
Mortal Dust's
Full of Lnsts,
Of it self short sighted,
In its Pride delighted.
But upon thy Watch Tow'r pray
Taking no denyals,
That the Lord would take away
Sins which caule thy Tryals.
Which depress
And distress,
And so sleepy make thee,
That Death may o'er take thee.
God will humbly be ador'd
E'er he does Relieve us.
With our Cries he'll be implor'd,
That he may retreive us.
By his Pow'r
Conquer Sin and Evil,
World, and Flesh, and Devil.
All things must however turn
To the best and ease us;
If to him we pray and mourn
Thro' his dear Son Jesus;
For ye know
He'll bestow
On us Grace exceeding,
Thro' Christ's Interceding.
Still let's watch, and cry, and pray,
And with hast prepare us;
Else the Evil Time and Day
Quickly will ensnare us.
God's Just Doom
Is e'en come
To try ev'ry Creature;
And Dissolve all Nature