The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations/Old Irish Hymn to the Blessed Virgin
“In alternate measure chanting, daily sing we Mary’s praise,
And, in strains of glad rejoicing, to the Lord our voices raise,
“With a two-fold choir repeating Mary’s never-dying fame,
Let each ear the praises gather, which our grateful tongues proclaim.
“Judah’s ever-glorious daughter—chosen mother of the Lord—
Who, to weak and fallen manhood, all its ancient worth restor'd.
“From the everlasting Father, Gabriel brought the glad decree,
That, the Word divine conceiving, she should set poor sinners free.
“Of all virgins pure, the purest—ever stainless, ever bright—
Still from grace to grace advancing, fairest daughter of the light.
“Wondrous title—who shall tell it—whilst the Word divine she bore,
Though in mother's name rejoicing, virgin purer than before!
“By a women's disobedience, eating the forbidden tree,
Was the world betray’d and ruin’d—was by woman’s aid set free.
“In mysterious mode a mother, Mary did her God conceive,
By whose grace, through saving waters, men did heav’nly truth receive.
“By no empty dreams deluded, for the pearl which Mary bore,
Men, all earthly wealth resigning still are rich for evermore.
“For her Son a seamless tunic Mary’s careful hand did weave;
O’er that tunic fiercely gambling, sinners Mary’s heart did grieve.
“Clad in helmet of salvation—clad in breast-plate shining bright—
May the hand of Mary guide us to the realms of endless light.
“Amen, amen, loudly cry we—may she when the fight is won,
O’er avenging fires triumphing, lead us safely to her Son.
“Holy angels gathering round us, lo, His saving name we greet,
Writ in books of life eternal, may we still that name repeat!”