Translation:On the theory of the spectra of diatomic molecules
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On the theory of the spectra of diatomic molecules
Von L. Landau in Leningrad
Received on 13 November 1926
The Hamiltonian for a diatomic molecule is
where the small letters refer to electrons and the capital letters to the nuclei; denotes the potential energy.
In order to separate the translatory motion of the molecule as a whole, we make the following transformation of coordinates:
the new coordinates of the electrons are their vector distances from the centre of mass of the nuclei, is the distance between the nuclei, and is the radius vector of the centre of mass of the molecule. After this transformation the Hamiltonian becomes
where is the momentum corresponding to the coordinate . It is seen that only the last term in equation (3) relates to the translatory motion; it is therefore of no further interest here, and we shall ignore it. We shall also omit the bar from and . The angular momentum is then
- ↑ All coordinates and momenta which occur are treated as matrices.