Page:10 The Iron Moonhunter (Chang).jpg

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同時,我們在西也拉山開礦時,開採了黄金 和白銀。為了紀念我們死去的親人和朋友,我們 給「追月號」火車油上了鮮艷的顏色,裝上了銀色 的鬍子和牙齒,在車內用黄金做成幸運的图案,還 為它裝上翅膀,使它能在高山上飛馳。我們 將它的烟囱裝飾成號角和笛的樣子,當它奔 跑時能發出美麗的歌聲。還有把它的眼睛 裝上探照灯,利用探照灯去找尋死去的唐人。 我們把日常生活所需要的用品都放在火車內。

We mined the Sierras for gold and silver. We gave the Moonhunter silver whiskers and teeth that gleamed as he grinned in the night. We painted him bright colors and inlaid designs and good luck charms in gold. We gave the Moonhunter wings to help him balance on the high mountain ridges, and sometimes he flew into the clouds from those peaks. We shaped his smokestacks into horns and flutes, so he played his song as he ran. His eyes were long searchlights, and he looked for Tong Yun who were lost far from home. Inside the Moonhunter, we built everything we needed for living and everything we wanted to play with.