Page:11 The Iron Moonhunter (Chang).jpg

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當我們坐火車經過我們所建築的鉄路時,讓所有親人和朋友的 鬼魂都聽到火車發出來的歌聲:


在「追月號」的眼睛照耀下,我們見到一個個的鬼魂從深 山裏出來。他們見到這架美麗的火車在找尋他們,他們 的面上都充滿着快樂的眼淚。

We rode the Moonhunter back over the track we'd laid. All the ghost spirits heard the Moonhunter's song. It went:

"I am the thunder of the mountains.
I am the winds that croon to the moon.
I am the laughter that rides the winds.
I am the Moonhunter singing my tune.
Come along when you hear my song.
Come along, come along."

One by one the ghost spirits stepped out of the mountains' shadows into the yellow light beams from the Moonhunter's eyes. Kwan Cheong was waiting in the tunnel where he died. Kwan Hop waited at the cliff's edge. They wept with joy to see the beautiful train their friends had built to find them.