in the ears, and what exquisite sensibility is treasured up in the tips of the fingers!
It is as well, also, to remember that besides beauty and utility, a grand adaptation of the most simple means to the great end and purposes of life is always kept in view in the structure and relation of all the organs. The mechanical powers, the geometrical figures, the motion and weight of the fluids, and the operations of chemistry, are continually engaged in the support and renewal of the frame; uniting an accumulation of force with a simplicity of operation truly wonderful—all contributing by their million operations to produce that beauty of the outward form which we are now seeking to illustrate. See how the head—the seat and treasure-chamber of the soul—is balanced on the neck; the spine, how it curves in beautiful arches; the body, with its graceful lines, enclosing, as in a casket, the other vital organs. We must come to regard this mass as a whole, and must, as before remarked, understand the utility and relations of the various organs to one great end, before we can properly appreciate the conditions of health and the means of cultivating or preserving beauty.
Nor has nature been niggardly in furnishing the external universe to supply us with everything that