Page:For Remembrance (ed. Repplier) 089.jpg

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14 Buckingham street, Strand, W. C.,

November 6, 1900.

My Dear Marie: It has been suggested that, in one way at least, I can be with you all on the 21st, and as it seems that a message from me to the "old girls" may be listened to, I want to know if you will please be my messenger?

But even as I begin to write, I wonder if my greeting will carry with it the appropriate sentiments. I must confess my heart is full of envy, and I do not want to be the mummy at the feast. I feel as if no "old girl" has as true a right as I to take part in the celebrations. The ten years of my convent life—one at Conflans, nine at Eden Hall—are enough, I think, to make good my claim. And then, during so many of those years, I knew no other home but the convent. All my earliest associations belong to it—to the chapel, which they tell me is so changed,—to Gothic Hall—or, is there any Gothic Hall left?—to every stairway and corridor, every hole and crevice; to Mulberry avenue! Do you remember the games of Old Man and Bands at the far end? To the woods; and to the lake which I do believe, is more real to me in memory than the Thames flowing in fact just below my window. To all of these places it would be a joy to go on pilgrimage with the Class of '72, and the other "old girls" of my time, for the sake of the days that somehow seem more real with every year that separates me from them. And there would be not merely the memory of one old mistress to welcome us, but several of those old mistresses themselves, and many of the old sisters. But for you, this pleasure; for me, only the keen regret that I cannot share it, And so I am selfish enough to send not only my congratulations to you who are able to join in the ceremonies, but a hope that in the midst of them all—at the High Mass, afterward at the reception, and again at the Benediction in the twilight Noilit Chapel—you will spare a thought for an "old girl" who would give a great deal to be with you, and who, in her love for Eden Hall, is to be outdone by no one.

Elizabeth Robins Pennell


From the academy hall, after the display of sleight-of-hand had amazed and amused for an hour and a half, the guests withdrew to the chapel, which was brilliantly lighted. The long procession of pupils entered solemnly a few moments later, singing the old school hymns to the Sacred Heart. When they had taken their places, all—religious, guests and children—recited the Creed, the "Our Father" and "Hail Mary." Then was read the following "Act of Consecration :"