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Page:Great Is Thy Faithfulness sheet music from Abeka.webp

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Great Is Thy Faithfulness


Thomas O. Chisholm

William M. Runyan

\new GrandStaff <<
  \new Staff {
    \relative c' {
      \time 3/4
      \key d \major
      <d fis> <d fis> <d fis>
      <d fis>4. <d e>8 <d e>4
      <cis g'> <d g> <e g>
      <d g> <d fis>2
      <d b'>4 <d cis'> <d b'>
      <d a'>4. <cis g'>8 <d fis>4
      <e e> <dis fis> <d gis>
      <cis a'>2.
      <g' a>4 <g b> <g cis>
      <fis d'>4. <a cis>8 <g b>4
      <fis a> <e g> <d fis>
      <d fis> <d e>2
      <eis b'>4 <eis cis'> <eis d'>
      <fis d'>4. <fis a>8 <fis a>4
      <d fis> <cis fis> <a e'>
      <a d>2. \break

      <cis a'>4 <cis a'> <cis e>
      <d g>8. <d fis>16 <d fis>2
      <dis b'>4 <dis b'> <dis fis>
      <e a>8.[ <e g>16] <e g>2
      <g a>4 <g b> <g cis>
      <fis d'> <fis a> <f b>
      <fis cis'> <gis d'> <d b'>
      <cis a'>2.
      <g' a>4 <g b> <g cis>
      <fis d'>4. <a cis>8 <g b>4
      <fis a> <e g> <d fis>
      <d fis> <d e>2
      <eis b'>4 <eis cis'> <eis d'>
      <fis d'>4. <fis a>8 <fis a>4
      <d fis> <cis g> <a cis>
      <a d>2.
  \addlyrics {
    \set stanza = #"1. "
    Great is Thy | faith -- ful -- ness, | O God my | Fa -- ther, | There is no | shad -- ow of | turn -- ing with | Thee; | Thou chang -- est | not, Thy com -- | pas -- sions they | fail not; | As Thou hast | been Thou for -- | ev -- er wilt | be. |    Great is Thy | faith -- ful -- ness! | Great is Thy | faith -- ful -- ness! | Morn -- ing by | morn -- ing new | mer -- cies I | see; | All I have | need -- ed Thy | hand hath pro -- | vid -- ed— | Great is Thy | faith -- ful -- ness, | Lord, un -- to | me!

  \addlyrics {
    \set stanza = #"2. "
    Sum -- mer and | win -- ter, and | spring -- time and | har -- vest, | Sun, moon and | stars in their | cours -- es a -- | bove | Join with all | na -- ture in | man -- i -- fold | wit -- ness | To Thy great | faith -- ful -- ness, | mer -- cy and love.
  \addlyrics {
    \set stanza = #"3. "
    Par -- don for sin and a peace that en -- dur -- eth, Thy own dear pres -- ence to cheer and to guide; Strength for to -- day and bright hope for to -- mor -- row, Bless -- ings all mine, with ten thou -- sand be -- side!
  \new Staff {
    \relative c {
      \clef "bass"
      \time 3/4
      \key d \major
      <d a'>4 <d a'> <d ais'>
      <g, b'>4. <g b'>8 <g b'>4
      <a a'> <a b'> <a cis'>
      <d b'> <d a'>2
      <g g>4 <g a> <g g>
      <fis a>4. <e a>8 <d a'>4
      <b g'> <b a'> <e b'>
      <a, a'>2.
      <a' cis>4 <a cis> <a a>
      <d, a'>4. <d b'>8 <d cis'>4
      <d d'> <e b'> <fis a>
      <g b> <g b>2
      <g d'>4 <g cis> <g b>
      <a a>4. <a d>8 <a d>4
      <a a> <a, a'> <a g'>
      <d fis>2.
      <a e'>4 <a e'> <a g'>
      <d b'>8. <d a'>16 <d a'>2
      <b a'>4 <b fis'> <b b'>
      <e c'>8. <e b'>16 <e b>2
      <a cis>4 <a cis> <a a>
      <d, a'> <d a'> <d a'>
      <e a> <e a> <e gis>
      <a, a'>2.
      <a' cis>4 <a cis> <a a>
      <d, a'>4. <d b'>8 <d cis'>4
      <d d'> <e b'> <fis a>
      <g b> <g b>2
      <gis d'>4 <gis cis> <gis b>
      <a a>4. <a d>8 <a d>4
      <a, a'> <a e'> <a g'>
      <d fis>2.

\layout {
  \context {
    \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

© 1923, Ren. 1951 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission.