the wedding day the bride should write a personal note of thanks for every gift. Nothing excuses her from this duty. Invitations to a wedding should be sent out two or more weeks before the ceremony. All the acquaintances of the family should be invited to a church wedding or none. Otherwise it is better to have a quiet home Who Should Be Invited wedding and invite no one but the immediate families, and then send out announcement cards to all acquaintances immediately afterwards. Invitations, announcements and the small cards to the reception, or the "At Home" card of the newly married pair should all be handsomely engraved, on the finest quality of paper, and inclosed in an inner and outer envelope. Models are given in the forms of invitations at the end of this article.
An invitation to a church or home wedding and reception re- quires no answer. One accepts by attending, or regrets the inability to do so by sending the personal card to arrive the morning of the ceremony. If invited to a wedding breakfast, however, you should accept or decline at once, as a seat is reserved for you at the table.
If a couple are married at home, and are leaving at once on a wedding journey, both should wear traveling suits, the bride in her hat, and removing her street gloves for the ring. For a full dress affair, at home or in church, in the daytime or evening, a bride is Dress of the Bride and Groom robed in a trained gown of pure white, high-necked and long-sleeved, or with long. gloves to meet her elbow sleeves. Her shoes, hose, gloves, fan, veil and wreath should be white, and she may carry a shower bouquet of white flowers. For a dress wedding in the daytime, the bridegroom wears a frock coat of black broadcloth, light grey trousers, white vest and tie, pearl colored gloves and a silk hat. But after six in the evening, he should wear full evening dress of black broadcloth, low cut white waistcoat, white tie and gloves and pearl studs.
At a church wedding the front pews are reserved for the families the groom’s relatives at the right, the bride’s at the left. At- tending the bridal couple is a best man and maid of honor, from four to eight ushers and an equal number of bridesmaids. In addition,