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South Africa. European emigration has been, greatest in the 19th century, because the population has increased so enormously. Europeans are naturally attracted to counties of like climate, which have not already an over-large population and in which the chances of gaining wealth are good. For these reasons the greatest emigration has been to the United States, Australia, South Africa and the temperate parts of South America, for example, the Argentine Republic.

Emin Pasha or Bey, proper name Eduard Schnitzer, was born at Oppeln, Silesia, in 1840. He studied medicine, and in 1864 went to Turkey, where he became a well-known physician. He learned to speak Turkish and Arabic easily, and adopted Turkish habits and customs. He also adopted the name Emin, which means the faithful one. In 1876 he joined the Egyptian service, and proceeded as chief physician to the equatorial province, of which he was made governor in 1878 by “Chinese” Gordon. Here the sudden rising of the Mahdi shut him up and out of the world. The expedition sent under Stanley for his rescue reached him in May, 1888. In 1890 he entered the German service and at once made his way again to Central Africa. He was, however, killed in 1892 by Arabs near Nyangwe. See Stanley's In Darkest Africa.

Em'met, Robert, an ill-fated Irish patriot, was born at Dublin in 1778. At fifteen he entered Trinity College, where Moore, the poet, was his fellow-student, but soon left to join the United Irishmen. He next traveled in Europe, talked with Napoleon and Talleyrand in 1802 on behalf of the Irish cause, and came back the next year to expend $15,000 of his own fortune for muskets and pikes. With a small band he designed a plot to seize Dublin Castle and make a prisoner of the viceroy. The rising utterly failed, and Emmet, who had clothed himself for the occasion in a green coat, white breeches and cocked hat, saw nothing result from the enterprise but a few ruffianly murders. He escaped, but coming back for a last leave-taking from his sweetheart, Sarah Curran, the daughter of the great Irish orator, he was arrested, put on trial Sept. 20, 1803, condemned to death, and hanged on the following day. Just before receiving sentence he made a speech which still thrills the reader by its noble and pathetic eloquence. See Madden's Lives of the United Irishmen.

Empo'ria, county-seat of Lyon County, Kan., on Neosho River, 60 miles southwest of Topeka. It is the trade-center of the surrounding section, which is engaged in farming, dairying and fattening cattle for the eastern market. The city has carriage and canning-factories, flour and grist-mills, woolen mills and iron and marble-works. Emporia has several fine churches, good schools and school-buildings, a business college and railroad and public libraries. Besides, there are the State Normal School, the College of Emporia (Pres.) and the Western Conservatory of Music. The town was founded in 1856 and incorporated in 1870. Population, 9,058.

Ems or Bad-Ems, a bathing resort known to the Romans and famous in Germany as early as the 14th century. It is on the River Lahn, ten miles from Coblenz. Its warm mineral springs contain soda. The temperature of the different springs varies from 80° to 135° F. Population, about 7,500.


Emu, a running bird of Australia, closely related to the cassowary. The emu lives on the plains, the cassowary only in the forest and dense scrub. The emus have no cap or helmet like the cassowaries. The head and neck are not bare as in the cassowaries, but are provided with feathers. The plumage is heavy and dull-brown in color. The wing-rudiments are very small. The bird stands about five feet high. Its food is exclusively vegetable, consisting of fruits, roots and herbage. It may be tamed, and breeds easily in captivity. It lays six or seven dark-green eggs, nearly as large as ostrich-eggs, in a cavity scooped in the earth, usually in sandy soil.

Ency′clopæ′dia, meaning general instruction, is a work professing to give information in regard to the whole circle of human knowledge or in regard to everything in some division of it. The older encyclopædias attempted to give everything then known on all subjects; but, as knowledge has increased, it has become more and more necessary, in order to say something about everything, to be content not to say everything about anything. The great Latin collections of Terentius Varro, dating from 30 B. C., and the Natural History of Pliny the Elder are the first works which can in any sense be called encyclopædias. In the 10th century the Arabian, Farabi, wrote an encyclopædia remarkable for the time. Vincent of Beauvais, under the patronage of Louis IX of France, gathered together the whole knowledge of the middle ages. The first modern English work of the kind was the anonymous Universal, Historical, Geographical, Chronological and Classical Dictionary, which appeared in 1803. The Cyclopædia of Ephraim Chambers, in 1728, was the first to use cross-references. It was a French translation of this work which