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outbreak which necessitated the calling out of the National Guard of the state to suppress it. Population 18,713.

Home, Sweet Home. The words of this favorite song were written by John Howard Paine. The melody to which they are set may be of Sicilian origin. It is commonly ascribed to Sir Henry Rowley Bishop (1786-1855) in whose opera of Clari or the Maid of Milan it occurs.

Homos′pory (in plants), a term which implies that the asexual spores produced by a plant are similar. All plants except spermatophytes (seed plants) and some pteridophytes (fern plants) are homosporous. Isospory is a synonym, and heterospory is the contrasting term, which see.

Hondu′ras, the third largest republic of Central America, lies between Nicaragua, San Salvador and Guatemala, having a coast line of 400 miles on the Caribbean Sea and about 50 miles on the Bay of Fonseca, an arm of the Pacific. Its area is about 46,250 square miles, and the population 553,446. Little or no attention is paid to agriculture, its chief wealth being in mineral products, as gold, silver, iron, copper, platinum, zinc, tin and lignite. The republic has 13 states or departments, is governed by a president assisted by six ministers, and the laws are made by a congress of 37 deputies. It was discovered by Columbus in 1502, and threw off the Spanish yoke in 1821. There is a railroad from Puerto Cortez to San Pedro Sula, thence to La Pimienta, 60 miles. See Honduras by Squier and The New Honduras by Lombard. The capital is Tegucigalpa (population 34,692); the other chief towns are Juticalpa (population 17,808), Nacaome (12,040), La Esperanza (11,453) and Santa Rosa (10,888). The main ports are Amalpa on the Pacific and Puerto Cortez, Omoa and Trujillo (Truscillo) on the Caribbean. The exports embrace mineral ores, including gold and bar silver, together with rubber and coffee. Exportation and importation are carried on chiefly with the United States.

Honduras, British, a crown-colony of Britain on the Caribbean Sea, south of Yucatan and 660 miles from Jamaica. Its area is 7,562 square miles; with a population of about 40,372, chiefly colored. Its chief exports are mahogany, logwood, sugar, coffee, plantains, bananas and cocoa-nuts. Principal town, Belize (population 9,113).

Honey (hŭn′y̆), a very sweet, thick liquid made by bees and some other insects. The bees gather the nectar or sweet juice from flowers and carry it to the hive, where it is changed into honey and the cells of the honeycomb filled with it. Different flowers give different flavors and color to the honey. Clover honey is white, while heather honey or buckwheat honey is dark. The honey of Hymettus, a mountain in Attica, was held in high esteem, probably because of the flavor of wild thyme, which grew there abundantly. Honey is used as food, in the preparation of medicines and in the manufacture of some kinds of ale. It is sold in the comb and also as “strained honey.” In this form it is sometimes adulterated with glucose. It is not unhealthy but is less sweet than pure honey. The annual production of honey in the United States is more than 60,000,000 pounds.

Hon′eysuck′le, species of the genus Lonicera, which contains nearly 150 species distributed throughout the northern hemisphere, more than 60 of which, in addition to numerous hybrids, are in cultivation. About 25 species are native to North America. The honeysuckles either are dwarf or climbing shrubs, always with opposite and entire leaves and tubular flowers, which are white, yellow, pink or scarlet and often fragrant. One of the most common climbers is L. sempervirens, the trumpet honeysuckle, with scarlet or rarely yellow flowers.

Hong′-Kong′ or Hong-Kiang (“sweet waters”), an island belonging to Great Britain, the center of British commerce with China and Japan and an important naval and military station of that power, is on the east side of Canton River in the south of China. It has an area of 29 square miles, and, for the most part, is rocky and barren. Its beautiful harbor, one of the finest in the world, ten miles square, makes it the principal commercial station of eastern Asia, the aggregate value of exports and imports exceeding $200,000,000 per year. Its imports, which are chiefly from Great Britain, consist mainly of cottons and cotton-yarn, woolens, iron, coal, copper and machinery. Its exports are tea, silk, drugs and hemp. Hong-Kong formerly was part of China, and was first ceded to Great Britain in 1841. The population in 1911 was 456,739. Britain has now secured some territory inland (Kowloon), an area of 376 square miles, the population of which is here included. This is diplomatically known as the Kaulung Hinterland. The capital is Victoria.

Honolulu (hō′nō-lo͞o′lo͞o), the capital (population 52,183), of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands, which in 1898 were annexed to the United States and attached for military purposes to the department of California. This city is situated close to the southwestern coast of Oahu (See Hawaii). The islands were, on June 14, 1900, constituted as the territory of Hawaii, after an act had been passed declaring the inhabitants to be citizens of the United States and of the Territory of Hawaii. Honolulu has electric street railways and is lighted with electricity. There are railways on the island, and there is cable communication with San Francisco, the