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mechanic is not at a loss when his machine breaks down. Imagination calls up other experiences than the habitual ones, getting from them suggestions that may prove fruitful when the routine ways of acting fail. Thus it constitutes the proper reaction of a resourceful mind in the case of a crisis. When the images are very definite and vivid, and especially when we recall in memory the experience from which they sprang, we gain the additional advantage of being able to judge more accurately the probable success of the line of action suggested by imagination. A milliner who can clearly picture the hat that her imagination suggests, or remembers similar hats, is helped in anticipating whether or not her creation will prove a success.

Imagination is governed by the laws of association of ideas (q. v.). Its cultivation, therefore, depends on enriching the experience of the child and, especially, on increasing the associations by virtue of which these experiences will be recalled when needed. Modern methods of teaching (q.v.), aim especially at such associations and also at developing the self-reliance and resourcefulness of the child. As imagination is the original, the experimental, factor in the mind, so too close an insistence that its products shall conform to truth or taste or practical excellence may check its spontaneity and leave the pupil critical but not productive. See Association of Ideas, Memorizing and Teaching, Method of. Consult Ribot's Essay on the Creative Imagination. (Open Court Pub. Co.)

Im′migra′tion Bu′reau. This is one of the offices under the Department of Commerce in the U. S., although the Commissioner-General of Immigration is placed by the act of 1903 under the control of the Secretary of the Treasury. The act of 1903 gives the bureau of immigration the power to deport certain classes of immigrants at any time within two years of the date of landing in America. Such classes include insane persons, if they were in this condition within the five years previous to their arrival, anarchists, any who advocate political assassinations and epileptics. The bureau publishes valuable annual reports. In 1910 no less than a million immigrants came into the United States, chiefly by way of New York.

Im′mortelles′ or Everlasting Flower, a kind of plant whose flowers do not change in color or appearance in drying. They may be kept for years without losing their beauty. Several kinds of everlasting flowers are frequently seen in our gardens and others in greenhouses. The French call them immortelles, and in France they are often woven into wreaths and placed beside recent graves as emblems of immortality.

Impeachment is the name applied in England and the United States to a special form of trial, by which high state-officials can be called to account for their manner of managing the interests committed to them. In England the house of commons presents the charges and prosecutes the case. The house of lords acts as judge, and the accused may be defended by counsel. In the United States the house of representatives makes the accusation; the senate, with the chief-justice of the supreme court presiding, acts as judge. The trials are for “treason, bribery or other misdemeanors.” In the various states the legislatures can also bring an action before the state senate against any state officer. In England members of parliament can be impeached; but in the United States only the civil officers of the government are subject to trial. The most noted cases of impeachment are those of Judge Samuel Chase in 1804 and President Johnson in 1868 in the United States, and in England that of Warren Hastings.

In′cense, a perfume much used by the ancients in their religious worship. It was produced by burning sweet-smelling substances, like gums, balsams etc. The material, generally a mixture of several kinds of gum, is placed in a dish called the censer, in which it falls slowly on to a hot plate beneath, when it immediately burns and spreads its odor through the air. Among the Jews the burning of incense was employed only as an act of worship, and was in itself thought to be a sacred offering. The same was also true of the religion of Egypt. Persian sculpture pictures the burning of incense in honor of kings. In the Catholic Church, both Greek and Roman, incense is used in public worship, especially in its most sacred services.

Inclined′ Plane, a device frequently employed to avoid the direct lifting of heavy bodies. Barrels are frequently loaded into wagons by use of “skids,” which are simply inclined planes. Goods are often taken aboard steamers by means of inclined gangways. By the principle of the conservation of energy we know that the work required to raise a mass to a certain height above the ground is independent of the path by which it is raised, provided we neglect friction.


Let F1 be the force required to push the body along the incline O A in fig. 1, and let F2 be the weight of the body. If the length of the slope O A be X1 and the