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failed to follow up, and General Lee was allowed to recross the Potomac without being molested. McClellan followed him into Virginia; but all his subsequent movements were so unsatisfactory to the president and cabinet, that in November he was relieved of his command and General A. E. Burnside appointed in his place. In 1864 he was the Democratic candidate against Lincoln for the presi** dency, but received the electoral vote of only three states — New Jersey, Kentucky and Delaware. In 1877 he was elected governor of New Jersey, and filled that office one term. He died at Orange, N. J., Oct. 29, 1885.

McClernand, John Alexander, an American lawyer and soldier, was born in Breckenridge County, Kentucky, in 1812. In 1832 he was admitted to the bar; and in this year also he served as a private soldier in a campaign against the Sac and Fox Indians. He afterwards became interested in trade; published a Democratic newspaper in Illinois; and from 1837 to 1842 sat in the Illinois legislature. From 1843 "to 1851 he represented Illinois as a Democratic member of Congress. With the outbreak of the Civil War he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers. He took part in the battle of Belmont; and won distinction at the battle of Fort Donelson. In 1863 he relieved General Sherman of the command of the army against Vicksburg; but was shortly afterwards in turn superseded by General Grant. Until 1863 he commanded the i3th army-corps; but in November, 1864, £e retired from military service. From 1870 to 1873 he was circuit judge in the Sangamon district, Illinois. In 1876 he was chairman of the Democratic national convention held in St. Louis. He died at Springfield, Illinois, September 20, 1900.

McCIoskey (md-klos'k%), John, a cardinal of the church of Rome in America, was born at Brooklyn, N. Y., March 20, 1810. After pursuing a collegiate and theological course at St. Mary's College, Emmetsburg, Maryland, he was ordained a priest at St. P a t r i c k's Cathedral, New York, Jan. 9, 1834. , He was consecrated ' bishop on March 10, 1844; archbishop on May 6, 1864, and in 1875 was created cardinal, being the first American raised to that princely dignity. He died at New York or> Oct, 10, 1885.


McCook', Gen. Alexander McDowell,

was born in Columbiana County, O., April ~~ 22, 1831. H e

graduated at West Point in 1852. He was appointed c o 1-onel of the first Ohio regiment organized for service in 1861, which he c o m-manded at the battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861. He was afterwards pro-m o t e d to the

rank of major_

feneral, and commanded a division" at hiloh and at Perryville. When General Rosecrans was placed in command of the army of the Cumberland, McCook was assigned to the command of the 2oth army-corps, with which he took part in the battles of Stone River and Chickamauga. After the war he became colonel of the 6th Infantry, and for a time was in charge of the Military School at Fort Leavenworth. In 1895 ne retired with the rank of major-general. He died on June 12, 1903.

McCook, Gen. Daniel, was born at Car-rollton, O., July 22, 1834, and graduated at Florence College, Alabama, 1857. He entered the Union army as colonel of the 5ist Ohio volunteers in 1861, being afterwards promoted to the rank of brigadier-general. In addition to a number of minor engagements, he participated in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. At the last he was killed on July 21, 1864.

McCook, Gen. Robert Latimer, was born in Columbiana County, O., Dec. 28, 1827. He was commissioned colonel of the 9th Ohio volunteers on the outbreak of the Civil War, and commanded a brigade in West Virginia under General Rosecrans in the summer of 1861, highly distinguishing himself in a number of engagements. He was in command of a brigade in General Buell's army in August, 1862, when he was shot by guerillas while sick and traveling in an ambulance near Salem, Ala.

McCor'mick, Cyrus H. Too little honor has been paid, heretofore, to the inventor and first successful manufacturer of the reaper, although its value to the world can scarcely be second to that of the cotton-gin. Eli Whitney gave cotton wealth to the southern states and cheaper clothing to all the world. Cyrus H. McCormick enormously increased and cheapened the world's surjply of bread by making it possible to harvest grain on millions of acres of land that had never been under cultivation and that rmist have waited centuries on hand-labor.