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land received the name of Saturnia or Land of Plenty, and his reign was that golden age of which later poets sang. Saturn's temple in Rome stood at the foot of the Capitoline hill.

Saturn. See Plan′ets.

Saturnalia (săt′ŭr-nā′lĭ-ȧ), The, most probably were an old Italian harvest-festival. During the festival slaves sat down to banquets in their master's clothes, while he waited on them at table. Crowds filled the streets, and roamed the city in a peculiar dress; friends sent presents to each other; all business stopped; the courts closed; schoolboys got a holiday; and no war could be begun. The length of the Saturnalia varied at different times in Roman history, but they were usually held on Dec. 17, 18 and 19. The modern Italian carnival seems to be founded on the old pagan Saturnalia.

Satyrs (sā′tẽrs), in Greek myth, were a race of woodland deities, half human, half animal. They are generally described as roaming the hills in the train of Dionysus (Bacchus). They looked grotesque and repulsive. They were of robust build, with broad, snub noses, large, pointed ears, bristly and shaggy hair, rough skin, little horny knobs on their foreheads and small tails. They were fond of the woodland nymphs, of music, dancing, wine and sleep. They usually were hostile to man. The Roman poets regarded them as the fauns of their own myths, and gave them larger horns and goats' feet. Satyrs were often sculptured; for example, Praxiteles' famous Satyr at Athens.

Saul, the first king of Israel, was the son of Kish, a wealthy chief of the tribe of Benjamin. Gigantic in frame, noble in mien and commanding in character, he was well-fitted to unite the tribes. His deliverance of Jabesh Gilead and his victories over the Philistines, Ammonites and Amalekites gave unmistakable proof of ability as a soldier. But soon he became possessed of a wild madness which found vent in an insane jealousy of David, his son-in-law and the chief of his bodyguard, and in a fit of rage attempted David's life with his own hand. Saul fell in a disastrous and bloody battle with the Philistines on Mt. Gilboa about B. C. 1020.

Sault (sōō) Ste. Marie, Mich., a port on St. Mary River (q. v.), near the outlet of Lake Superior, 290 miles northwest of Detroit. Two canals around the rapids or sault yearly pass nearly three times as much freight as Suez Canal. An immense iron-bridge connects the railroads from St. Paul and Duluth with those of Ontario. Population 12,615.

Sault Ste. Marie, Can., the most important center in the District of Algoma, opposite the American city of the same name, is an important manufacturing place, as well as famous for its immense canal-lock, built by the Canadian government and opened for traffic in 1895, between Lakes Superior and Huron. A larger tonnage passes through the canals at Sault Ste. Marie per year than through any other canal-system in the world. Large pulp and paper-mills, iron-smelters, steel-rail mills and other important industries make up a large industrial population at this point. The canal was built to overcome the rapids on St. Mary River. The Algoma Central, running north from Sault Ste. Marie, has been a great aid in the development of the district. A rich mining district is tributary to it. The length of the canal between the extreme ends of the entrance-piers is 5,967 feet. The lock is 900 feet by 60 feet. Depth of water over the sills (at lowest water-level) is 20 feet 3 inches. The total rise or lockage is 18 feet. Breadth at bottom is 141 feet 8 inches; at the surface of the water 150 feet. This canal has been constructed through St. Mary's Island on the northern side of the rapids of the river and with that gives communication on Canadian territory between Lakes Huron and Superior.

Savan′nah, Ga., a city and port on Savannah River, 18 miles from its mouth. It is situated upon a level, sandy bluff 46 feet above the river. Its streets are broad and shaded by beautiful trees, and its parks or squares at every other intersection of its streets invest it with unique beauty. Forsyth Park (33 acres) is one of the most attractive places in the south. Bull Street, the principal avenue, contains monuments to Nathanael Greene, W. W. Gordon, Lafayette McLaws, Francis S. Bartow, Sergeant Jasper, Count Pulaski and the Confederate dead. Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences contains the finest collection of art south of Washington. A new city-hall costing $300,000, a new post-office building of Georgia marble, a customhouse, five hospitals, orphan-asylums, and a new high-school are among its public buildings. The Roman Catholic cathedral of the state is here, and also Christ's Church where John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, first preached in America. The school buildings are among the best in the country, and $165,000 are spent annually to maintain its excellent system of schools, which have 10,000 pupils and 210 teachers. Savannah is the leading naval-stores port in the world and the third in cotton. Its commerce is the largest of any south-Atlantic port, and it is rapidly growing. The city is noted for its beautiful streets, buildings, extensive commerce, artesian water-supply and its attractive suburban resorts. Savannah was founded by Oglethorpe in 1733, taken by the English in 1778, and by Sherman in December of 1864. Its population in 1900 was 54,244, and now is 65,064.