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(a) Food of Insects In this stage of

development; 1032.

(b) The stage in which the most dam-

age is done: Army-worm 109; Cottonboll weevil 465.

(2) The larval stage-—

worm or caterpillar stage: Centiped 359; silkworm 1759; larva 1032; caterpillar 349.

(3) The pupal stage — cocoon: pupa 1564; butterfly 297; silk*

worm 1757.

(4) Winged stage — full grown: moth 1270; butterfly 297; lady-

bug 1019.

(5) The time of development from one stage to the next: Cicada

or 17 year locust 398; katydid 993.

(6) In what form the insect lives from one summer to the next:

mosquito 1269; codlin moth 419.

3. STUDY OF FISHES: 678; 677.

a. Some parts of the fish: Heart 853; 67.

'(a) How they are used in breathing:

Respiration 1603.

(b) Has the fish lungs? Mudfishes 1274; fishes 678.

b. How the fish is protected: sturgeon 1841; torpedo 1924; swordfish 1858;

fish-culture 677.

c. Food of the fish: 678; 1734.

j (1) When and where laid: 1827. "j (2) Number of eggs: 589, 678.

4. STUDY OF THE FROGS —AMPHIBIANS: 719; Animal life 524; amphibia

65; salamander 1664; egg 589; blood 401; heart 854.

a. Their development:

(a) Appearance: 1917.

(b) Jelly-like part around the real egg

inside and the two purposes of the jelly: Toad 1917.

(c) Where they are laid: Salaman-

der 1664.

(a) Its appear- f L L«* of l^:

n|e!917rSt: 2- The* gills: ay, iy.u. |^ ?19. m

(b) Why it cannot live on land: 719.

(a) Disappearance of gills and devel-

opment of lungs: 720; 65.

(b) Development of a pair of hind

legs, then a pair of front legs: 720; 1917.

(c) Shrinking of the tail: 720; 1917.

(a) Why and how can live on land:


(b) Food of the Amphibians:

1. Of what it consists.

2. How it is obtained.

3. The peculiarity of the tongue

and how it is used in getting food.

(c) Amphibians as destroyers of in-

sects: 1344; 1918.

I. STUDY OF REPTILES: 1601; 589.

a. Main kinds of reptiles: Snakes 1773; turtles 1958; alligators 52; lizards 1104; crocodile 480; dragon 548; chameleon 364; gila monster 765.


d. Fish-eggs: 677; 678.

(1) Their Eggs: 1917.

(2) The Young Tadpole:

(3) The Secondary Stage of Development:

(4) The Full-Grown Amphibian:

(1) The gills: