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g. Moisture of the air:

(1) Evaporation of water:

(2) Condensation of vapor:


(a) Under what conditions evapora-

tion goes on best: 636.

(b) Temperature and dryness of air:

evaporation 636; rain 1582.

(c) Piaces from which most of the

water is evaporated: Sahara Desert 1654; Dead Sea 570; Tibet 1909; Atacama Desert 129.

'(a) How condensation is brought about: rain 1582: fog 688; distillation 535; frost 720.

(b) What is meant by the dew-point:


(c) Clouds, what they are and how

formed: 412.

(d) Fog and mist: 688.

(e) Rain: how it is formed 1582.

(f) Snow and hail: how they are

formed and how they differ 1773; 824.

(g) Dew and frost: what each is and

how each is formed; how they differ from each other; best conditions for formation; effect of wind and clouds on formation: dew 526; frost 720; rain 1582.

a. The nebular theory: 1316; 1030; 127.

(1) The original nebulous mass: 1316; 127.

(2) Condensation of part of the mass and the resulting increase

in rate of rotation: 1316.

(3) Throwing off of parts due to centrifugal force: 1316.

(4) Masses making what we call planets thrown off from the

sun: 1316.

b. The eight planets with their satellites: 1499; 1682; names, size and posi-

tion in relation to the sun and the earth 1500; sun 1848; moon 1259; Kepler 1000.

c. The earth — our planet:

f(a) Rotation: time of rotation, inclination of the axis 573. (b) Revolution: time of revolution, shape of path around the sun 573; gravitation 796; equinox 622; eclipse 579; Copernicus 451.

(1) The movements of the . earth:

d. The moon — the satellite of the earth: 1259.

(1) Size: 1259.

(2) Distance from the earth: 1259; 573.

(3) Character of its surface: 1209.

(4) Its lack of atmosphere and of life: 1259.

(5) Why its shape apparently changes: 1259; 579.

e. The fixed stars: 1813.

(1) The North Star: 1360,

f. Meteors and comets: 1212; 432; 129.

g. The Milky Way: 1226.